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Third Brake Light?


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
How do you remove the third brake light housing to change the bulb?


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I could tell you for a 91-94, but not 99. Sorry.

Do tell, please, it might be similar.


Well, there is just two screws you have to take out and the whole assembly comes out with two bulbs in it. The newer ones have a longer third light and probably more difficult to take apart. But don't know for sure.

i just went and looked at my moms 97 and it looks like you need to take the back panel off.

Originally posted by aldive
How do you remove the third brake light housing to change the bulb?


They're LEDs and last the life of your Explorer. There is no bulbs in there, so if it's out, you replace the whole thing. It's a snap-on type.

I have no problem on mine. Maybe you need to check the connectors to the lamp. Someone had a similar problem a while back and for some reason, it came back on by itself. Maybe slamming the liftgate a few times to get it working again.

To access the lamp, my guess is to take off the plastic panel on the inside of the liftgate and go on from there.


removal of third brake light on 2nd gen X

Hi Al

I used to have a subscription to the AllData website (I might resubscribe because there is some good info, but I think the navigation sucks). Anyway, I read thru the procedure because I was curious.

I don't remember all of the details at this point, but I remember that it was pretty involved and definately not easy compared to replacing a normal light bulb. You need to remove the inside trim panel, then you have access to the rivets which hold the assembly in. You must drill out the rivets (there are several) to remove the assembly.

The description I was reading was for a 97 explorer. I don't know how different it might be for a 99 (hopefully easier). Alldata or a factory manual are probably your best bets for the procedure.

Al - Is it all completely out? The third brake light is a bunch of LEDs and should last much longer than 3 years. I have never heard of nor seen a 98-01 Explorer with the high mount stop lamp not functioning. I would look for a loose connection if the whole thing is out.

Originally posted by ok89
Al - Is it all completely out? The third brake light is a bunch of LEDs and should last much longer than 3 years. I have never heard of nor seen a 98-01 Explorer with the high mount stop lamp not functioning. I would look for a loose connection if the whole thing is out.

I never said it was out. I was considering making it a flashing light, thats why I asked how to remove it.

This from my Tech CD.

1. Remove the rear hi-mount lamp ballast.
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
2. Remove the liftgate door trim panel (46404); refer to ?Section 501-05?.
3. Remove the two rear hi-mount lamp ballast screws.

4. Remove the rear hi-mount lamp ballast.
1 Disconnect the low voltage electrical connector.
2 Disconnect the two electrical connectors.
3 Remove the rear hi-mount lamp ballast.

2. Remove the three rear hi-mount lamp nuts.

3. Drill out the seven rear hi-mount lamp moulding rivets.

4. Remove the rear hi-mount lamp moulding.

1 Remove the two nuts.
2 Disconnect the washer hose.
3 Remove the rear hi-mount lamp moulding.

5. Remove the rear hi-mount lamp from the moulding.


1. Note: When the battery is disconnected and reconnected, some abnormal drive symptoms may occur while the vehicle relearns its adaptive strategy. The vehicle may need to be driven 16 km (10 mi) or more to relearn the strategy.

To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Use Heavy Duty Riveter to install the new rivets.

Procedures to remove the '95-'97 third brake light are completely useless to people with '98 and up Explorers. The light is a lot smaller and uses LEDs instead of the neon light. Both styles were supposed to last the lifetime of the vehicle, however Ford probably had to many failures (or the repair costs were too high) that caused them to switch over to the LED style.

Thanks for the help my friends; however, it looks like a pain in the rear, therefore, I will scrap my flasher idea.

You may want to go to your local auto parts store. They have Chiltons and Haynes manuals there that explain how to take apart most of the body work in pretty good details. They also have a pretty decent wiring diagram. However you can get the Ford Manual and it will show better wiring diagrams...

interested in cd


Where did you get your cd? I'm interested in getting something like this.



That seems like a good deal...I'll check it out

hiw to u put new rivets in, i want to try to take it all out casue my ballast is bad and make it into a normal bulb, can i use sheet metal scres or something instead of rivits???/ thanks

anybody????? im in the middle of trying to do this and the hatch is apart...thanks

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to put new rivets in u will need probably a pop rivet tool and pop rivets..both are not to expensive..also fairly simple to use, once u do 2 or 3 u will fly through the rest

you could also try using some screws inplace of the rivets not sure how well that would work
