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This is My Exploder

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This is my X. She has a few miles on her, but she should be an excellent vehicle. I plan on holding on to her for awhile and lifting her up in the near future for better off-road ability. I live in Virginia Beach, VA and attend college at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. I just joined the East Coast Xplorers and look forward to wheeling with them. Here is a link to my shabby website:

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very nice man.

looks good... and still very clean despite being almost 10

Pic From OBX
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Hope it works, if not please shoot me in the head:shoot: ! Thats my Ex though, its a piece but gosh darn it, I like it!

She's got Ranchos, K&N filter, KC Daylighters, Rallye Lights, 20%Tint, and of course 6'1'' swallowtail Hotline Surfboard.


Get any good sets that day?? I know the last trip I made to hatteras; i got only waist and nasty...called the report at home and they were head(which happens like 5 times a year)...well thats just my luck though...josh

Looks nice. It almost seems familiar...:)

Originally posted by jshexplo96
Get any good sets that day?? I know the last trip I made to hatteras; i got only waist and nasty...called the report at home and they were head(which happens like 5 times a year)...well thats just my luck though...josh

Let me see...that day it was mainly flat in South Nags Head and Oregon Inlet. The wind had been out of the west the previous 3-4 days and made the ocean similar to a lake. Earlier in the week it was pumping a northeast swell chest to head with hollow barrels anywhere north of the point, specifically s-turns in Rodanthe. Its also very rare that we get head plus surf in VA Beach too. Only large storms that sit off the coast pump in surf that big for us, so we usually head down to Hatty and ride the waves there. Its only 2 hours from my house to s-turns, so its not a bad drive.

ohhh know who it is....still like your truck man.... people..truck looks much cooler in real life than it does in pictures..very nice!

wanna take me and your brother down to hatty sometime soon?

Beaston -

When I come home from school I'll take you and Andy down to Hatty for a surf safari. Heard you guys had a great time in Cali last week!

ya man..had a blast..saw some nice prerunner trucks out there...have fun at college..fiend

Hey: Congrats

You'll love the your "X". Have fun with the Mod's, I know I have.
