Thoughts on Kicker 6.5" Coaxials and Components??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thoughts on Kicker 6.5" Coaxials and Components???


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January 22, 2002
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Smith Mountain Lake, VA
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2006 Limited
Every local audio shop I go into on Long Island seems to recommend the Kicker coaxials(K65) and components (K65.2 and RS6c), but I never see anybody talking about them on th forums, nor do I see any web sites reviewing them.

I am very unhappy with a recent purchase of Alpine 6.5" coaxials (SPR-174A) and components (SPR-176A), and am thinking about exchanging them for the kickers. Any thoughts?

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Well I installed 2 pair of the Kicker 6 1/2 seperates at work. I pair in a Silverado and 1 in a PT Cruiser. I liked the sound of the Alpines better. The Kickers just did not seem to have alot of bass- mid bass to them.

I've heard the kicker 6 1/2 and 4in components, or what ever they are... and I think they're great speakers!


I have two sets of the Alpine (SPR-176A) components mounted in my X and love them! The sound is awsome. I have a Rockford Fosgate 500X powering them. Not too sure why your not happy with the sound of yours. Are they wired properly? What kind of Amp are you driving them with? Is the cross-over properly wired up?

To be honest, I am basing my opinion just on the Apline SPR-174A coaxials. I have not installed the components yet, primarily since I am unhappy with the coaxials and they are constructed the same as the SPR-176A components (with the exception of the coaxials have fixed 12db crossovers that can not be adjusted like the crossover that comes with the components). The coaxials just sound muffled, plain and simple. No amount of "tuning" using the myriad adjustments available on the Alpine CDA-7894 HU significantly improves the sound.

They were just horrible powered off the HU. Connecting an old 75Wx2 RMS Kenwood amp helped tremendously, but they still produce an overall muffled sound, particularly if the HU is adjusted with any type of emphasis towards bass, and specifically on reproduction of vocals. It just seems as though they try to do too much on the lower (bass) frequencies for 6.5" coaxials, at the expense of the higher frequencies, which reproduces an overall muddy least to my ears.

The components were just reviewed (Car and Audio Magazine?), and they also commented on the muffled sound, which they said cleared up after a short break-in. But I have not noticed any improvement with the coaxials. Their overall conclusion was favorable, with the one negative being the reproduction of the higher frequencies.

Based on the sound of the coaxials, I am not expecting the components to be that much different. I'm sure the adjustable crossovers will help, but wouldn't the overall SQ be the same?

Anyway, that's why I am looking at the Kickers. They may not go as low in frequency response as the Alpines, but I believe they will sound "cleaner" and less "muddy". Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Tx.
