Throttle Body Spacer and K&N? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Throttle Body Spacer and K&N?


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January 2, 2003
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St. Simons Island, GA
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'97 XLT
Would a throttle body spacer and a k&n drop in filter make a noticeable difference in my power and/or gas mileage? If so, what brand throttle body spacer should I get?

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My dad had a throttle body spacer and a k&n drop in filter in his 93 silverado. The filter added power and the spacer added a very noticeable amount of low end torque. My dad got his spacer off ebay but I'm not sure of the brand. Definetly get the k&n. I'm not sure how well the spacers work on explorers.

The spacers don't work. Get a BBK throttle body instead of a spacer.

huskyfan23 said:
The spacers don't work. .

Have you ever used one?

I have one on my SOHC and it improved the gas mileage and response.

i've been curious about spacers too, however looking at it on my 94 i am wondering if the intake tube will still fit properly if i push it back 2". the spacer pushes things back a bit right? i mean you are adding about 2" to the throttle body depth.

I no nobody cares to hear this but if the depth worries you then get a tornadoe for it. It will make some type of difference on paper, however maybe not the the driver. I don't have one, but I heard they do make a diifference in other types of cars.

Makahveli said:
I no nobody cares to hear this but if the depth worries you then get a tornadoe for it. It will make some type of difference on paper, however maybe not the the driver. I don't have one, but I heard they do make a diifference in other types of cars.
Ok yeah didnt want to hear about the "Tornadoe", just from what I have heard from doing a search, they don't work for crap. I'll leave it at that.

i have one and all i noticed was about a 2mpg gain on LONG trips.

The spacers are just another type of the Tornado.

Man !!!!!
I don't know what you are talking about.
I Dyno'd my Ex and I picked up FIFTY HP at the rear wheels and an extra 20 mpg
with the Tornado in my Ex !!!!!!!!
I polished the fins and got even more after that !!

( note to reader: I am being very sarcastic )

monmix, please expain your fin polishing technique.


Well I put three or four Q-Tips into my Sawz-All and gently smoothed the finish on the tornado to allow the air to flow by MUCH faster

Lightly lubing it with some oil will reduce air friction, too.

k&n filter will help ..... the tb spacers help too on some vehicles, i did notice the engine would rev quicker, same principle that has been used on carbs for years, they do not work on all vehicles .... as far as the tornado goes our cylinder heads already swirl the incoming air/fuel so they may not work .... i took my spacer off because now i have a turbo .... does anyone want to buy it 40.00 shipped .... it will only work on the aluminum manifolds because the throttle brackets mounts different on the plastic ones

phoenix. your stock air box and tubes will flex the tube is made to flex. the tornado doesnt do anything on any car. ive read so much crap about it

Is the tornado the one the fit inside the tube? If I'm thinking of the same thing, they seemed to be more of restrictions than anything else. I've considered a poweraid tb spacer, under $100, and if Al says it works, then it's worth a shot for more low end and quicker revs.

aldive said:
Have you ever used one?

I have one on my SOHC and it improved the gas mileage and response.
Nope, I have the BBK TB, and I trust Alec when he says the spacers are a waste of money.

big351bronc said:
Would a throttle body spacer and a k&n drop in filter make a noticeable difference in my power and/or gas mileage? If so, what brand throttle body spacer should I get?
I have a BBK Throttle Body too, and I noticed a very nice improvement. But I noticed one thing, you don't even need to worry about a new throttle body, or even a TB spacer for that matter, b/c you have an SOHC engine, and they dont make aftermarket tb's for your 4.0. I'd just save the money you would use for the TB spacer and put it towards a chip or a conical filter. And if you get the filter, I'd go with the KKM or Mac Intake.
