thump, thump, thump | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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thump, thump, thump


Well-Known Member
November 12, 2001
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City, State
Altoona, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Does this noise sound familiar? I have a 96 xlt with 105k miles. 4.0
When my speed reaches 30-40 mph, there is a thumping sound that you can hear and feel. It sounds like it should be something in the tires but, I've looked at the tires, had an alignment done, rotated the tires, replaced a lower ball joint (the other side is about 2 yrs old). The thumpinig is still there. Other than drving slower than 30 or faster that 40, any thoughts ?

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a thump can be any number of things, can you be more specific?

Sounds like if there were a bump in the tire. Thumps with each rotation, faster/slower with speed. I can't tell if it's one side or the other or maybe something else altogether.

How old are the tires? You may not be able to see any abnormality, but that doesn't mean that the tire(s) may not have some inconsistancies. For instance, I had a similar thump that could be heard especially when turning at higher speed---actually, about 30 or 40---for example, a freeway offramp. It was still there even after an alignment. I just put my new tires on, and the thump is gone.

I have a 96xl, and I get the same "rotational" thumping as well. Sounds like a flat spot on the tire, but the tires are fairly new. So I doubt it's that

Someone suggested doing to tire rotation, see if that helps. If the thump is still there after the rotaion, you can be certain it's not the tires. For mine I'm suspecting a drive shaft/cv joint problem.

but right now I'm working on the creaking/klunking, I'll get to the thumping later. (one thing at a time) :)

I had the same thing...rotated, rebalanced tires, put on new shocks, front end help. Ended up my right front wheel bearing was going bad. Replaced it, and everything back to normal. Now I'm waiting for the left bearing to go. I had about 100K on the Ex.

Recommend you have the front wheel bearings looked at.

I think I'll try my spare tire on each on the four corners to see if one of the tires is the culprit. Or maybe I can find someone to swap out all 4 at once to see if the problem is in the tires or somewhere else.


wassup? Any more on your thumping? Just curious.

Sounds like the belt has seperated from the inside of the tire.

It's baaaack! I got new tires in Nov and the thump went away. Now it's been back for about a month. ANyone else solve their "thumping" problem?

rikguy said:
ANyone else solve their "thumping" problem?

Ya, I bought an Audi. :D I gave the Explorer to my wife. So the thumping went away. ;)

But the sound just seemed to fix itself. So who knows. I haven't heard it in a while.

I have the same problem, I have replaced the shocks, balanced/replaced tires, and now am told it could be the leaf springs. That is what I am checking next. What a pain, truck is a '98 with only 69K miles! Gets worse with more passengers. Dealer didn't have a clue. I got some tips on this board.

I installed AAL springs right before I got new tires in Nov. 2 months later, it's back.

Re-opening this old thread.
A year later the noise is still there. I have had ball joints installed, new wheel bearing, alignment and still ... thump, thump, thump.
Any suggestions on what to look at next ? I also swapped rotors from side to side, that may have made it worse.
