Ticking in front end of 02 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ticking in front end of 02 Explorer


January 14, 2009
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'02 Ford Explorer
There is a ticking in the front end, sounds like passenger side, of my stock '02 Explorer 4X4. I thought maybe a U-joint gone bad. However, in the past with my other vehicles, when I engage the 4X4, the U-joint quit ticking. This keeps on ticking. No regularity to it, occurs when braking, accelerating, and at a constant speed, straight and turning too. Any ideas?

I was going to check the U-joint anyway, but it's factory sealed in the black boot, and I am afraid what will happen if I cut the boot off.

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Thanks for the tip. I am looking into it. Any other input from anyone? I'm guessing if it is bearings it's going to be costly.

I have heard that if you drive it and can swerve one direction (left) and then the other(right) the sound would get louder. So, if you swerve to the left and the sound got quieter/goes away and then swerve to the right and it gets louder, then the left front wheelbearing is bad. Make sense? This is a common problem and has been discussed several time, most people change both fronts themselves as it's not very difficult. I am not sure on the cost or what brand is best to go with, but hopefully someone that has done it before will chime in and give you some pointers. Oh, and be careful when you do the swerving. Just get up to speed where you can hear it and carefully turn one way to see what happens. Don't go nuts and do any drifting:)

Dont forget to check the simple things first like Brakes, brake dust, something with the rotors, stones in the tires . . .if you haven't.
But x2 on the Wheel bearings. . .

I have checked tires, etc. But I noticed today that the clicking is coming from the REAR end, passenger side. When driving it sounds like front, but I let the wife drive while I hung my head out the window (after making sure there were no mailboxes or signs too close to the road!) and it is clearly coming from the rear. Still stumped on the cause. Definitely sounds like metal on metal.

still wheel bearings, both front and rears have history. . . .
Further, does the noise and or pitch change in turns? if yes then wheel bearings
Does the noise change on Acceleration or braking or coasting in a straight line? if yes diff bearings

I got my rear passenger done, I needed a hub assy, bearing and all the good stuff. I had to get a whole bunch of new parts because evidently ford revised the set up and didnt carry the original stuff anymore. So the new revision called for a new tie rod and end link or whatever (im not familiar with suspension stuff really) I probably got taken for a ride on that one since it was 700 bux with labor at pep boys
