Time for an Engine... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Time for an Engine...


Active Member
October 20, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Guyton, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
I have a 97 Explorer XLT with the 4.0 SOHC engine. It has a little over 200,000 miles on it. I started noticing a knocking sound that has gotten worse. If revved over 3k RPM it sounds like it's going to fly apart. I took it to a friend of mine who is a great mechanic and his diagnosis is a bad connecting rod or piston. I'd love to just put a 5.0 in it, but that probably requires too much work. So I guess my question is this....what year 4.0 SOHC engines can go into my explorer? Will a 99 work? What years can I choose from? Thanks!

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any second gen 4L will physically fit into your truck. you may need to change the upper intake, and wire harness depending on the years.

Yea, that's what I was wondering about. I really don't want to get into swapping harnesses and stuff.

go with a newer Mustang engine...

There are 4 or 5 people who have swapped in 05 or 06 Mustang engines into their Explorers and never looked back...Plus the engines had better chain guides and low miles...

Search for Mustang engine swap for info on doing that...

+1 for the stang engine swap, they are newer, and you can usually find them for cheaper and with lower miles. Don't be discouraged about swapping the harness as it is quite simple. Even easier since you will have the engine out of the vehicle. I'm in the process of this very project. New engine is from an 06 stang w/ 24k miles on it. Very excited about it too as it should run better than when i first got my xlt, had 167k at that time.

On the Mustang swap, no harness changes were done...

Everyone who used a Mustang engine used the intake, injectors, wiring harness and sensors from their Explorer engines and essentially used the newer engine as a long block with the Explorer add-ons attached in place of the Mustang parts...

The Explorer fead worked as well and the accesories bolted up just like on the Explorer engine.

are the mustang engines V8 or v6? also will the tranny have to swapped too?

are the mustang engines V8 or v6? also will the tranny have to swapped too?

4.0L V6

05-06 stangs use the same 5r55 transmission, so everything should bolt right up.
