Time for an exhaust change... again. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Time for an exhaust change... again.

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I think I'm going to go ahead and go through with my original thought. But I may step up the 2.25" up to 2.5", I figure it'd be cheaper overall to use the same size pipe then use different sizes.

I'm also thinking about doing a dual out muffler coming out a 45' angles like the guys with Monte Carlos do sometimes. Whaddya think?

Yea I think you should do it:thumbsup: I've always liked that look and wanted to run mine like that but decided on turndowns since I dont have an exhaust pipe bender.

So I think that will be it. I'm not going to come way down and have it that noticeable, but I'm going to have them put chrome tips on it, and make it so about half is visible. I don't like straight out the back on SUV's, just doesn't look riight, and 90 at the ends just looks weird.

Oh well, hopefully it'll get done soon. I'm losing my spare though to do it, lol. I need to come up with a way to store another spare somewhere. I've been thinking about building a platform in the back of my Explorer and putting the subs on top... so it's hidden. I think I'd be able to run a thinner tire, width wise, but then again I've never needed a spare so far. But I'd like to have it just in case. I could also keep it stored, but keep it flat and keep a small air compressor with me. I need to figure this part out.

The picture is basic, but that's kinda what I'm thinking.


  • spare platform.jpg
    spare platform.jpg
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It'd give me the ability to make a kind of amp rack, and that could be on a hinge and hide the actual door. Undo the lock to it, lift it up, and bam, there's the spare tire.

Not hating on your setup but just curious as to why you ran 2 1/4 pipes into a 3in inlet muffler? Was it all you had laying around or is there some science behind it?

haha yeah it was pretty much that or a glasspack, so I made due with what was available. I'd imagine it would also give it a tad deeper of a tone too, but have no way to prove that so.
