Timken wheel hubs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Timken wheel hubs?


August 1, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Little Elm, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport Trac 4X4
I have a 2001 4WD Sport Trac with 96,000 miles. I bought it last year with 66,000 miles and immediately had to replace the original equipment shocks, upper ball joint/control arms and lower ball joints. Last week the right side hub started making noise, so I replaced them last weekend. I replaced them with Timkens and when I took the old ones off, they were also Timkens. My question is: Did these come from the factory with Timken hubs or had they already been replaced once? Also, how long should the Timkens last? And could there be another problem that could cause the hubs to wear out prematurely?

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Axle nut not torqued correctly..? I don't belive they came with timkens from the factory.

Timkens are what they came from the factory with. I believe Ford still uses them as a supplier for their newer vehicles.

On my 01, its bearings need replacing at 75,000. Its probably because of the All Wheel Drive.

On my 99, sometime in its past is had had the brown wire mod done it and its bearings where still good at 130,000

IMHO Timken are well worth the money and unless something not torqued right they survive pretty well. I am getting ready to do mine on my 01 with 121,000 and use Timken.

Beofer my SAS I put Timken bearings in my ST every year. They have a 1 year warranty so I went to the parts store once a year and repaced them if it was needed or not.
