Tire Deals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Man, I hate the W-Mart, but being out of work and needing tires, I checked their prices. Everyone and their brother is selling what I need (like many of you, LT235/75/15, 105S. Prices ranged from $89 to $149 for about the same tires, a few had shipping (Sears wants to add $17 PER TIRE for shipping TO THEIR STORE), and of course the install charges (free mount & $19.95 balance PER TIRE to $40 per wheel). The Firestone location wanted $5 additional just to check the pressure in the spare. (Note: broke my knee a while back and I find it difficult to do that task, so I get it done when I rotate the tires). So, I'm looking at at least $500 out the door for the no name, no guarantee brand to $1,000 for a higher end tire with all the fixin's.

Well, I bought tires yesterday (7/25/11) after searching too many sites for a decent bottom line price. And who of course had it? Walmart. Goodyear Wrangler Radials. $79, free mount, $7.50 lifetime balance, $10 road hazard, and then the state fees and sales tax. I was out the door for under $440.00. And they didn't charge me for checking the pressure in the spare!

I still don't like Wallyworld, but until MY economy improves, I might have to patronize the Walton family business a little more.

Either way, I wanted to share what I thought was a pretty decent deal. :exp:

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How do you like the tires? I was considering getting a but they look kinda cheap to me and i have heard mixed reviews about them.

We've had a few sets of tires from Wally World, haven't had issues with them. I know it's popular for people to say that they despise Wal Mart, but I think 80%+ of them shop there anyway and just won't admit it. I usually shop at Meijer since it's local money, but I go to Wally World as well, no shame in admitting I'm a cheap-ass. :D

Just a heads up. . Many, if not All Walmarts will only install tires that they think are factory sizes. There have been reports of people buying the same sized tires that came on their X from the factory (optional tire size) and Walmart not installing them because they think its not the factory size..

Of course, you can just always bring them loose rims/tires and tell them its for your ranger.



You might want to check and see if your purchase qualifies for any of the tire rebates. Might get up to $80 back. They're good for purchases up through July 30th.

@Spacecadet - not sure yet. Just bought them.

@JoeDirt - I've avoided WalMart for years. I actively worked to keep them from building a store in my home town (when I lived there). I don't like their employee policies nor their union busting techniques. They CLOSED a store in Quebec because of union organizing. The Canadian government told Walmart to reopen it or not do business in Canada (I believe though that a court reversed that later). They pay little, keep people under full time to avoid benefits, and sell at a loss to kill off competition. When they do that, they then go back to the supplier and demand better prices from them as well. According to the AFL-CIO, more than 70% of Walmart's offerings are made in China. And, they've said (about a year ago) that they estimate that 10% of all Chinese exports to the USA are sold at Walmart. That's certainly the way to support the US economy, the US workers and the US families.

@Maniak - you are absolutely right. Supposedly all of the Walmarts abide by that policy. So if the tire size you want isn't an OEM size (std or opt sizes are available) they won't install them. And they must be equal or better in speed and load ratings.

@Anime - you have to purchase the tires from Goodyear using the Goodyear credit card for those rebates. I checked those offers, too. I still made out better at Wallyworld.

I don't necessarily like their policies either, but nonetheless people still go there. I won't get into a political discussion here, suffice to say that no matter what is said, you bought tires there even though you don't support them or their policies. That's the only point I was making.


If those the are the Goodyear Wrangler models you bought, please ignore the following:

My buddy had those on a full size Chevy. They were mediocre in everything. They held air. That was the best thing about them.

Back on my soapbox

@JoeDirt - Yeah, I didn't mean to get too political either. Once in a while I get on my soapbox and too much comes out of my mouth before my train of thought gets back onto the rails.

The purchase, as I see it, was one of those necessary evils since they were pretty much about 40% less than the next closest price. It was also a time sensitive purchase (a damaged tire) and I didn't have time to push someone else to do a price match.

So while I don't support them or their policies, I determined that I had to support them financially with this purchase. When my own economy changes, the retailers that I support will also change.

@toypaseo - I believe those are the ones I bought. I need to have tires that will get me to interviews and client meetings. Then I hope to have them long enough to get moved across the country. I'm moving back to snow country, and between the towing ability and snow country, that was the reason I purchased this vehicle. (Somebody please push me off my soapbox - PLEASE!!)

toypaseo - are they really that bad?

I've ran Goodyear Wrangler Radials from WalMart on one of my explorers for years.

They aren't extra good at anything, "mediocre" being very "middle" quality in my eyes.
They aren't terrible on the road either....

just my .02, carry on gents.

I run Goodyear Wrangler RT/S 235/75R15s. I cannot say they are terrible, but I really would not recommend them to anyone.

They are pretty poor in the snow, pretty poor in the wet, eh, if you are on dry highways they are ok. To be fair though mine are mostly shot now, and the truck needs an alignment. So take mine with a grain of salt.

Good at one thing, at least

I run Goodyear Wrangler RT/S 235/75R15s. I cannot say they are terrible, but I really would not recommend them to anyone.

They are pretty poor in the snow, pretty poor in the wet, eh, if you are on dry highways they are ok. To be fair though mine are mostly shot now, and the truck needs an alignment. So take mine with a grain of salt.

OK, well, the consensus seems to be that these tires are nothing special. And from the research I was able to do prior to purchase, I would agree with that. They weren't top rated in anything.

What they were good in was weight - the amount of weight they didn't remove from my wallet. There are lots of us (including me) that are on very tight budgets right now. So, $440 for 4 decent, name brand tires, mounted, with lifetime rotation, lifetime balancing, road hazard guarantee, new stems, disposal of the old tires, environmental fees, and tax from the second highest sales tax state in the US,... well, it wasn't too bad. :exp:

i agree. i wont take a handout, even from my parents.(im still in hs!) And a few weeks ago when looking for tires i wanted something at least somewhat meaty. I found treadwright.com and researched retreads extensively. Turned out to be a hell of a good deal. 370$ shipped to my door for 4 tires, very similar to the bfg a/t ko. Walmart mounted and balanced my tires for about 12 a piece. I think anyone here would agree we wouldnt be at walmart or buying cheap **** if we could easily avoid it.

OK, well, the consensus seems to be that these tires are nothing special. And from the research I was able to do prior to purchase, I would agree with that. They weren't top rated in anything.

What they were good in was weight - the amount of weight they didn't remove from my wallet. There are lots of us (including me) that are on very tight budgets right now. So, $440 for 4 decent, name brand tires, mounted, with lifetime rotation, lifetime balancing, road hazard guarantee, new stems, disposal of the old tires, environmental fees, and tax from the second highest sales tax state in the US,... well, it wasn't too bad. :exp:

Yeah, I cannot blame you, they are relatively inexpensive, and realistically if you keep them rotated and dont do anything stupid they are not really outright dangerous. I am on a somewhat tight budget myself, but, thank god, I am employed. California eh? Very much like New York, funny, on opposite sides of the country in two states that are in a lot of ways very similar, at least as far as taxes, gun laws and vehicle laws go.

I hope the tires work out well for you, they wear ok, they should last awhile. So thats good. Take it easy and good luck!
