Tire size and gearing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire size and gearing

MAS Tequila

Elite Explorer
October 6, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Boca Raton FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 PIU
My 2000 Mounty has the V8 with the 3.73 gears.

I've lifted it and am looking to put tires on soon, maybe this weekend.

I have a set of 04-14 5 spoke Mustang wheels 18x8.

I'm trying to decide between the 265/65/18 31.5" tall, and the 265/70/18 which is 32.5" tall.

If anyone has run a similar size tire, will it make much of a difference, or should I stay with the 265/65?

I really don't want to re-gear.



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What size are you running now?
What size came stock on it?


So that's 29". You'll definitely notice a difference, even just going to the 31.5s, but it should not be a problem running either size, IMO.
My Ranger came new with 3.73 and 30.5 tires, and it was not piggish at all. You having a v8 will more than compensate if you decide to go with the 32.5s.

If you google for tire/gear calculators, you can see this all laid out in a chart.
