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Tire Weights


Well-Known Member
July 12, 2005
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City, State
Leominster, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer Explorer
My 02 EB has around 10K miles on General Grabbers and I recently had the tires rebalanced. After the tires were balanced and rotated there was no more vibration on the highway and the car rode smooth. Yesterday, I had my 02 on the highway and I noticed that there was a slight vibration around 65mph +. I then noticed that the 2 rear wheels have lost the 2 outside coated weights (I marked them since the weights falling off happened as well when my uncle was fixing my 4WD at his shop).

So, I will be going back to my tire shop to get the 2 rear tires balanced.. But, does anyone have any idea why the weights would continually fall off? Could this be something with the rims? I have the stock OE wheels.


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could be that the tech did not properly crimp on the wieghts, but that seems unlikely.

Thanks Easyrhino. I went to the tireshop this morning and had the 2 rear tires rebalanced. It's weird that the weights came off twice recently on these rims.

Could there be something that is causing this?

Would it be possible to have them use the stick-on weights on the inside of the rim? If there's some situation causing the outer crimp-on weights to come off, that would negate it. I've had some really nice wheels in the past that used the stick-ons (so you don't see them) and had no issues with them coming off.

Would it be possible to have them use the stick-on weights on the inside of the rim? If there's some situation causing the outer crimp-on weights to come off, that would negate it. I've had some really nice wheels in the past that used the stick-ons (so you don't see them) and had no issues with them coming off.

If these weights come off then I will have the stick on weights installed. I have stick-on weights on my Mustang Cobra and have had no issues.

