tires losing air pressure???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tires losing air pressure????


Active Member
November 15, 2007
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City, State
Boonton, NJ (Morris County, NJ - 45 mins West of New York City)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 explorer eddie bauer
My father in law has a 2007 XLT eplorer and his tires keep losing air to the point where they get really soft. He has brought it back to the dealership and they could not find anything wrong with it. He is now out of the 36,000 mile warranty and all 4 tires still keep going soft. There is no cracks or air leaks anywhere that he can see, nor a tire center find.

Is this a common problem that other people on here have had or is it an isolated issue? Everything on the vehicle is totally stock and nothing has been changed, not even tires, since when it has been delivered from the dealership.

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....this is not a common problem...

...are they a premium tire from the dealer??? this is just guessing but a good tire shop should be able to fix this an easy way...first, have them pull your tires, get your valve stems completely replaced...when they go to put the tire on have them glue's not like a real glue but i have had this happen with certain brands of tires not matching up with the wheels...
...the other solution would be get new tires that will fit your wheels, or new wheels that will fit your tire, from a reputable tire store...then you get a new warranty...

...again, i don't know the whole story nor can i see the matching of the tires and wheels, but i am sure someone else will chime in to help, good luck...;)

I am not aware if my father in law has the TPMS (tire pressure measureing system) or not. I think he saw that they were low and checked them manually.

The tire pressure monitoring system was required by federal law for all '07 and newer vehicles. I had a slow leak in one of mine and it was turning on the light at about 26 pounds. Turned out to be a screw I must have driven over.

Do you have a Les Schwab around there? They will check the tires and fix flats free, at least the ones here do.

If he is losing pressure fairly quickly then the water tub should work. I agree with the idea of applying a "bead sealant". And checking the valve stems.
