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tires tires tires. what should i get.

I'm looking into tires and I'm not sure what to get. I've looked at Goodyear MTRs with kevlar. BFG ALL TERRAINS. MAXXIS. and a bunch of others. My buddy swears on the MTRs. And I do like them a lot. Anyone's thoughts or aby outside suggestions? Tires I havent mensioned???

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I'll tell ya what. I just replaced my BFG AT KOs 31s with a new set. I got 75,000 in 8 years on the old set. This is with a 5-6K rotate. They made a believer out of me. The guy's at the store freaked out when we did the mileage comparison. They are rated at 55K.

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I'm thinking about General Grabbers. Awesome for sand. and fairly well for the road.


i dont think i will mind if there is some road noise. (heard there was not much with the Grabbers) But these will mainly be just for the summer. Because i live on an island, therefore there are a lot of beaches. The grabbers don't seem too aggressive, but they definitely will do the job. Just waiting for some money to come in my favor.

Those grabbers look like they have a great tread pattern not to mention the sidewall looks sweet!

Ik I love em. They look amazing!!!
