tires? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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December 19, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Sport Trac
i have a 2001 ford sport trac 4x4. right now i have no lift, but doing a torsion twist in the next couple days. right now i am running 265/70/16 tires. the tires i want are a kelly safari TSR 265/75/16. will these tires fit?

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Yes but some trimming is necessary.

I was looking at the kelly safari TSR's when I was in the market for new tires. Ended up getting duratracs. Love these tires like many do on this forum. Also I figured if a tire got major damage and needed replaced, then a shop could find a duratrac 1000 times easier than a kelly safari TSR. When I was calling around and getting prices on tires almost none of the shops had even heard of kelly safari TSR lol.

DuraTrac's are awesome tires, had 33x12.50x15's on mine for a while before my SAS and move upto 37x12.50x16.5's.

Mine is 2WD, but here it is on TT/SL with 265-75-16. I'd love to go bigger, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


Josh, I thought you were going to keep your cap. I see you listed it on CL.

josh thats a good lookin st man! i wanted to get some bfg all terrains, but there so dang expensive. so i want a nice all terrain for a not so bad price, because i dont off road much, just at the hunting camp. are yalls duratracs loud? i have a buddy with a set of 35s on his jeep and they arnt loud, but his jeep also weighs alot less than my truck.
