Where should I mount my Aftermarket Sony CD Changer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where should I mount my Aftermarket Sony CD Changer?


February 6, 2012
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1999 Ford Explorer XLT
Hi, been using this CD Changer for a long time and I plan on installing it on my Explorer. I was thinking of putting it in the trunk and I do have tinted windows but I'm worried it can still be visible and someone could steal it. Can anyone think of a good place?


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How big is it? can it fit inside the center console?

How big is it? can it fit inside the center console?

It was too big for the center console. I was thinking of putting it under the seat but it just didn't want to fit. Just decided to leave it in the trunk to the right.

if you didn't already sorta quit you could put it under the glovebox, if your passenger wont kick it too much, or under the back seat if you dont fold them down

It'd mount it to the panel behind the back seats that's covered in carpet. Someone did it with a stereo amp and made it so it still laid flat when the seats were down. It'd be hiddin and within easy access there.

You might be able to stash it behind one of the cargo area side panels...

You might be able to stash it behind one of the cargo area side panels...

Kinda be hard to change the CDs if he put it there though.

It'd mount it to the panel behind the back seats that's covered in carpet. Someone did it with a stereo amp and made it so it still laid flat when the seats were down. It'd be hiddin and within easy access there.

Like me:


Kinda I was actually talking about on the other side of that panel.

Can't remember who right now but someone did it and when the seats laid down you couldn't even tell there was an amp behind it.

Kinda I was actually talking about on the other side of that panel.

Can't remember who right now but someone did it and when the seats laid down you couldn't even tell there was an amp behind it.

Ah I see. Yeah you could fit something smaller like a CD Changer on that side. Obviously my amps were too large for that idea.

Do you have the premium stereo, or the JBL one? if not, you may be able to mount it in the side pocket on the passenger side, you may need to do some trimming, but you could hide it in there, and still have access to change the CD's.

Do you have the premium stereo, or the JBL one? if not, you may be able to mount it in the side pocket on the passenger side, you may need to do some trimming, but you could hide it in there, and still have access to change the CD's.

or, you could take the cubby pocket out, mount the changer in the open area, and devise a removable/openable cover using an OEM sub grill. Use hinges, velcro, speaker grill push pins, knurled knob headed bolts, etc...

That Amp install looked so sick. I was a bit worried last night thinking someone could steal it. I know it's old and who uses CD's huh? But just my weird panics.. Was around 3AM so I just switched around the hangers and screwed it under my passenger seat. Was a hard fit but I finally managed.
