tming chain advice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tming chain advice


July 9, 2012
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1999 ford explorer
I have a 99 sohc xlt explorer, and reading about the death rattle, It sounds like I have a cassette that is going since it is cold start, and at idle, goes away when engine is warm. is one of this timing chain kits from this site what I need to fix it? Or are this kits made with the same plastic guides like I have currently? Is there a better kit to buy? Or the biggest question is this just a waste of money to fix, like it could do it again, and should I just move on thanks.,part:Timing+Chain+Kit)

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I would pop the valve covers and take a look myself. You can inspect the cassettes from there. If all was good there I would drop the lower pan and see if there is any sign of the primary or jackshaft chain tensioner springs sitting in there. If they were both good, I would probably try and replace the hydraulic tensioners first off. Its only 100 bucks and if it destroys the cassettes, you had intentions of doing them anyway. Might get lucky and get a few more years out of her.

If the cassettes or guides were shot, best bet is the Cloyes kit on Rock Auto. Some people have had not so great of luck with them but for the most part the reviews are positive. It comes with almost everything you need except gaskets and a new TTY bolts. TTY bolts are OEM, and a quality gasket set on rock auto will run you about 50 bucks. The timing kit will run you around 300, I rent mine out locally for 50 bucks, Im in Saskatchewan. No one has an metal cassette with teflon guides set yet. If they did the engine would be pretty much bullet proof and that doesn't work for planed obsolescence. Good luck.

Thanks for your information, can you be more specific about what gaskets I need, and what bolts I need. thanks again.

also since mine is 4 x 4 I assume it has a balance shaft? thanks.
