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Torsion Twist Question


Explorer Addict
April 22, 2010
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Purdue University
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac 4x4
Hey All!

Still waiting to get my shocks in before I do my Shackles and Torsion Twist, I stumbled upon a post over on mysporttrac that confused me though...

In the post something about replacing the front swaybar endlinks... I had no clue these needed replaced. I was under the impression all I did was crank the bolts to get my 1.75" of lift then get an alignment. Can anyone gimme some clarity on this?

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most people remove their sway bars when they lift their trucks, i could see why someone would say that being that the sway bar endlinks wont reach down the 2 extra inches you just raised with the shackles. i would PM rebel about it. he would know for sure.

Good idea!

It's up to you if you wanna buy or make longer endlinks. I made a longer set but they didn't last long under extreme stress of heavy offroading so I put the Moog Problem Solver stock length set back on and haven't had any issues with them.

Just so you know, if you remove the endlinks, install quick disconnects, make sure you install limiting straps.

Im not sure what any of that is :p Im still really new to all this. Any links to help me out with what I need?

I wouldn't worry about longer endlinks. Moog Problem Solvers are a good idea, though, regardless of any modification you do or don't do.

I also wouldn't worry about disconnecting the front sway bar, ever. You just won't gain much travel in the front but you will sure cause lots of problems, especially if you don't add limiting straps. Even if you do disconnect and add limiting straps, though, you just aren't going to gain much offroad capability. Maybe enough downward travel to snap your CVs but nothing gained in upward travel.

Removing the rear sway bars is good when offroad and is definitely worth getting quick disconnects on so you can easily connect/disconnect for on/offroad changes.

You said you bought spacers, I'd try those out and see how they do.

I ran the stock length endlinks without issues for a couple years then I decided to make longer ones to see if it made a difference but it actually made it lean side to side worse. The bent when I went and did some extreme offroading so I put the Moog replacement endlinks from AutoZone that were stock length, I haven't had any issues with them in the past year or two.

Limiting Straps are made to limit the travel of the control arms so they don't go too far. You can find threads on these by doing a search in the offroad section and in the modified '95-'01 Explorer section.

Sorry been really busy, I'm redoing the dual exhuast and it's a pain bending the 2 1/2" pipes to shape. I'm replacing the Flowmaster with a Magnaflow stainless steel muffler 2.5"in/ dual 2.5" out with 2.5" aluminized pipe for tailpipes.

I have no clue what quick disconnects and limiting straps are... Im really green to all this suspension stuff which is kinda why im doing the project, to learn about it. haha. Here is what I ordered already:

Can someone just tell me what limiting straps and quick disconnects are? and maybe a link to where I can buy the proper ones if i go that route?

Thanks rebel, and get some video clips up when u get that done cuz thats my next project after I get moved out and school started again! :)

Best suggestion is to just spend some time stubbling through the Modified 95-01 Ex forum and the offroad section and you'll learn so much in just a few minutes.

Rebel's definition of limiting straps sums it up so I'll leave it at that. I don't know where to buy or which ones are best, but a search can help you with that if you decide to disconnect the front sway bar. I highly discourage that with the stock setup, though. If you go to coilovers, you'll want them.

As for quick disconnects, they are just a simple device that will help you disconnect the sway bar (again, I recommend rear only) to allow for more wheel travel off road. I haven't gotten any on mine and it's really not that hard just to disconnect the sway bar without them, but it is easier and faster with quick disconnects.

Since I haven't bought them myself, I'm not sure where the best place to buy them is and what the best kind to get is. I do have a project saved from exploreforum that shows how to make your own, though. It's a much cheaper alternative and looked easy enough. That's on my desktop and I'm currently on my wife's laptop. I'll update with that later if interested.

Oh, ha, Rebel already posted it. So, there ya go...quick disconnects on the cheap.

Well, I'll probably just use the spacers and ride that until I have the desire to change it :p or gain more knowledge...

I dont do much off roading or anything extreme, just easy trail rides. I figure if cranking the Torsion bar 1.75 inches puts preload on the suspension, taking 1/2 inch off will make the change hardly noticable

I think you'll be fine if you install the set you bought, probably use the thisck bushings on the inside and the thin on the outside to gain alittle length on te endlinks.

I use stock length endlinks and don't have any issues but don't get alot of travel out of the Shi..y IFS setup anyway. Can't wait to do my SAS, SOA.

I plan on doing that well after school :p so i have plenty of time to learn haha.

Thanks guys! im excited to do this!

The Moog endlinks are stronger than the stock ones. Also at least here in the salt belt, the OE links on any vehicle are on borrowed time after 5 years. They rust, get weak, and break.

Well, I know my front end suspension was completely redone about 5 thousand miles ago when i bought the trac from my step dad :p

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I dont know if they used OEM endlinks or not... but they arent rusty right now haha
