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Towing Capacity


Well-Known Member
February 13, 2014
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City, State
SouthEast Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT
I don't have the original window sticker details as my 2006 is too old. But my 4.6L V-8 came with the 1-1/4" receiver hitch. Does anyone know the difference in these rigs why some have the 2" hitch and why some have the 1-1/4" hitch (which looks comical, I must say)?

What's the towing capacity with the 1-1/4" hitch?

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This information will be found in your owner's manual, under "Towing" or something like that. You can also look up the 2006 Ford Towing Guide online.

Short answer:
Any 3rd gen (2002-2005) or 4th gen (2006-2010) Explorer/Mountaineer with a 1¼" receiver does not have the factory HD Class III/IV towing package, and is therefore limited to the standard Class II tow package, which is 3500 lbs MAX. That's with nothing else in the truck except the driver.

V6 with tow package gets between 5000-5500 lbs MAX.
V8 with tow package gets between 7000-7400 lbs MAX.

If you feel like asking the next logical question, please do a search in the "Towing" section, as these questions get asked a lot.

Thanks. No owner's manual with my XLT, so that search ability was out. Found one online this morning in PDF after searching on here. Didn't know there was a towing section on here, so thanks for that info! Very helpful.

What he said is mostly true. However, the v6's and v8's deal with this issue in different ways.

A standard v6 has 3.55 gears and a class 2 hitch. it has a low towing capacity. With the towing package they add a trans cooler, and gear up to 3.73 to gain torque and increase towing capacity.

The v8 however makes no such changes. It has all the power and cooling capacity it needs with or without the towing package. A 2x4 with a class 2 has the same towing capacity, if not maybe a 100 lbs more or so, than a fully loaded 4x4 with the towing package that upgrades to the class 3 hitch. They all have 3.55 gears, which is fine due to the trans having a very low first gear and almost 300 hp and plenty of torque.

You are limited only by your hitch, which you don't want to remove/replace as it is welded to the frame and is an integral part of the structure of the frame. You can however bolt on a class 3 hitch which will give you a max towing capacity of 5k lbs. It bolts to the frame and will drop just below your factory hitch.

There is a thread on here somewhere all about this ^^ I tried to hunt it down for you but could not find it. Search for it if you want more details.

Currently your TRUCK has a max towing capacity of around 7k lbs, I believe the 2x4 lightly equipped are up to about 7250 and a fully loaded 4x4 is around 7,000 flat. That number is how much weight can be moved by the vehicle total, meaning max loaded trailer weight + max vehicle load(how much crap is in the car, including people). So, if you max your 3500lb towing capacity for the hitch, you have about 3500lbs again to add to the vehicle itself.

If you had a class 3 and maxed that hitch you would have only 2500lbs to load into the vehicle. Which is still quite a lot.

The vehicle itself has its own max, the GVWR. The GCWR is the maximum for everything involved.

My last x weighed in at 4200lbs, the new one is probably heavier. lets say 4500lbs

4500(truck)+7000(towing capacity)=GCWR


11,500(GCWR)-3500(max towed with class 2)=8,000

8,000(remaining GCWR)-4500(truck)=3500

The 3500 and the end there is how much you are under your GCWR


GVWR-4500(truck)=how much you can add to your trucks suspended weight. Anything inside or on top of, PLUS the tongue weight of the trailer!

So actually GVWR-4500-300.

Whatever that value is then has to be within the 3500lbs that you have remaining in your GCWR. I doubt though that the GVWR has that much headroom for additional weight.

Thanks. I actually found this,, and on the RHS there's a link to "Towing Guide" for each specific year and vehicle. Very handy. The Towing Forum has the sticky about tow packages, and I just may got get the 2" Class III hitch because then I'll have every option available. The towing guides are very specific, such as my XLT has the auxiliary rear HVAC system which deducts another 50lbs from the total towing capacity. Ha!
