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towing my motorhome

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Not that I'm aware of... BB, what are you thinking of?

dhillshog, I don't see anything in the wiring diagrams that would indicate that -- the neutral tow kit only allows you to shift your drivetrain into true neutral. You'd need to get those stick-on lights for rear signal, but you won't have any brakes on the X while towing.

Personally, I'd be slightly worried about pulling almost 5000 pounds without any kind of brakes. You will probably be better off spending the money to get a car trailer with electric brakes.

I know on the various versions of my van, there are different packages. The XLT is the towing package where the "T" is for towing from what I understand.

Not at all correct. The Trailer Towing Package was an option on the XLT trim level among others. There's no direct correlation between the trim level and the towing package.

I wouldn't worry about the weight, assuming it's a large class-A motor home. However, I agree that it's a lot of weight to stop in the event you need to.

I'm not aware of any factory point where you can connect the lights. I have heard of people either using a set of clip-ons, or installing an aftermarket setup to either allow you to use the OEM lights, or plug in a set of lights at the rear of the towed vehicle (cleaner than letting the wires dangle down the side of the vehicle).

I'd make a call to the local camper/trailer shop and ask them. If anyone would know, they would.


This is from the u-haul thread, but it applies here...

Originally Posted by dogfriend
I know that they make a device that you can add to the towed vehicle so that the brakes are activated when the tow vehicle brakes are on. They are marketed for RV people who tow a "dinghy" behind a motorhome.

I think if you are towing a dolly without brakes and you can't get the 11-15% on the hitch, then you just need to go slow to your destination.

There is a similar product called the "Brake Buddy" that my parents used when towing a Jeep Wrangler with their RV. It was a PITA to set up the brake bias properly (about 30 minutes of me riding in the Jeep adjusting the sensitivity until it worked but didn't lock the wheels.)

Anyway, even with a 35' RV like they had, that Brake Buddy made a huge difference. If I remember correctly, the RV's GVW is about 15,000 and the Wrangler is probably well under 4,000. Needless to say, they definitely work and I'd highly recommend them anytime you're towing a vehicle.

Does your X have the nuetral disconnect in the t-case, I think there were only a few models that have it.

thanks for the feedback. will look into brake system

yes, it is an XLT. sounds like I should look into a braking system too. It a class a rv, but the explorer is heavy.
