Towing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Nick C.

Well-Known Member
September 13, 2002
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City, State
Frederick, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 xlt
For those of you with '96's. I have the two package with my xlt. What is my tow capacity and is there anything I need to know before I tow?

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Do you know what brand and series it is? If so then look it up online and their website should tell you...

It'll say on the bumper how much you can tow. This is just the bumper rating, however, with a reese hitch you may be able to tow more.

General numbers for the X:

From the bumper: 350/3500
Hitch (3): 500/5000

Obviously the more tongue weight, the more you'll stress the truck's suspension. And the more gross weight, the more you'll stress the drivetrain and frame.

You should look in your owners manual (or download from

Your tow (or two ;) ) rating depends on the engine, transmission and rear axle ratio of your truck. You can find your rear axle ratio from the sticker on the drivers door sill and search this board for rear axle ratio to interpret the code.

The owners manual also has recommendations on derating the capacity for elevation (3% less for each 1000ft elevation) and on adding additional trans oil cooler if you don't already have one as part of the tow package.
