Traffic flow on nav screen stopped | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Traffic flow on nav screen stopped


February 27, 2011
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2011 explorer ltd
hey all, does anyone know why the traffic flow on our explorer isnt working?
it used to work, just by touching the map, you would see blue for no traffic and yellow and red when there was traffic.
my wife did cancel the sirius service, but we never used the sirius traffic service anyway, are these related in any way?
On my car i get the green or red for free flow or stopped traffic and I dont even have sirius or xm service.
I tried the master reset, and still nothing.
any input would be appreciated

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Traffic is about $3.99/ mo if you just wanted that. I left it out when I resubscribed, since it was one of my least used items from Sirius.

Just to confirm. I'm not talking about using the sirius travel stuff like fuel prices or weather. I'm talking about on the map display it used to show colors for traffic flow. I can't see how that tied into a subscription. I hope I'm explaining myself correctly

Just to confirm. I'm not talking about using the sirius travel stuff like fuel prices or weather. I'm talking about on the map display it used to show colors for traffic flow. I can't see how that tied into a subscription. I hope I'm explaining myself correctly

There are three different Sirius options. Radio, Travel Link, and Traffic.
Prices yo should be able to get: Radio ~77/year, Travel Link ~$24/year, and Traffic ~$48/Year. Traffic is the feature you seek, showing delays and incidents. Travel gets you weather, Gas prices, movies, snow resorts, etc.


I think what people are saying is that the MFT Nav software uses the traffic data from the Sirius Traffic subscription service to show the blue, yellow, and red traffic on the Nav screen.

thanks everyone, gonna do a test and order the traffic subscription and see if it works. will report back.
