tranny issues i think | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tranny issues i think


New Member
August 4, 2012
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ok if any one has any ideas i would really appriciate them. i have a 1994 ford explorer 4x4 with auto trans. i left work one day and upon entering the highway i gave it some gas and as it shifted from second to third there was a loud pop and then it lost all power to the wheels. engine still runs fine and never cut out. there are no strange sounds when shifiting the gears and it will not move if engaged in 4 wheel either. there is no leaking of fluid i am starting to suspect that it is not the tranny at all but rather the transfer case. any ideas would be awsome thank.

Welcome to the site! You can find a lot of very good help here :D

unfortunatly tho, it sounds to me like your tranny took a dump :(
I had the same thing happen in my 88 Ranger (A4LD) and it was tore all to pieces inside.
It acted like the drive shaft fell out - no forward, reverse, 1st, 2nd, up , down, or nothing.

that is what i was originaling thinking but i had some one tell me that it would at least make some noise when shifting through gears if it blew out like that but either way just need to start ripping into it and see what i find.

Mine just "thumped" and didnt make a slight noise at all in any gear and did absolutly nothing. I thaught I snapped the pinion off at first but the driveshaft turned when we pushed on it. It could be something else, but that sounds too much like my experiance.

Any body else have any ideas?
