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tranny leak


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2001
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My transmission drips like 3 drops after i drive. When i shut the car off, and about 3 hours later i notice there is transmission fluid in the garage. What is the problem and how do i fix this situation? Thanks.

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I just noticed a small tranny fluid leak on one of the cooler lines. Just snugged up the clamp a bit and that seemed to take care of it.

Basically just look at where the spots are in relation to the truck, then crawl under there and try to see what it is. It could be just a line leaking and a little tightning would be all that is needed.


I just had to get a seal replaced on mine that is right under the tranny. I was leaking alot of fluid.


The leak is coming from the transmission itself, near the front of it, right at the bottom. It looks as though it could possibly be a seal leak. Does that transmission leak stopper, found at autozone help any?

You should update your profile

To include year, model, engine and if 4WD or manual. It is hard to help you if we don't have an age of your car or what transmision might be in it.

Doesn't sound disasterous

A leak like that could go for years without much of a problem since there is no pressure on the seal like an automatic. I don't like leaks but this would be a lot of work unless you have a clutch replacement scheduled in the future. Just keep monitoring the level. A stop leak may help or just make it harder to shift when cold.


i just had a clutch put in almost a year ago. So you recommend just keeping the transmission fluid at a high level.

Hello You probably have a front seal leaking , I dont recommend usuing a transmission leak stopper unless you plan on rebuilding your transmission soon. All the leak stoppers do is cause your seals to swell so eventually they will fail. I have seen some seals on transmissions that have fell off the shafts because of this swelling when I have done rebuilds.

I want to buy your truck. Please thanks.
