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trans leak


Well-Known Member
December 31, 2015
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City, State
capital district, ny
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 explorer xlt 4x4
ok so I hope something really bad didn't just happen. I was on my way home from a dr's appointment when I noticed some smoke coming up from under the hood. being only 2 miles from home I didn't call a tow truck and drove home. drove fine with no issues other than some smoke. when I got home it was smoking pretty good so I shut it down and crawled underneath. found out the steel trans cooler line let go and there is fluid everywhere. I replaced the line but will have to wait until payday to add more fluid. I put in about a quart but it's not registering on the dipstick so I'm hoping it didn't run dry.

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I replaced the line but will have to wait until payday to add more fluid. I put in about a quart but it's not registering on the dipstick so I'm hoping it didn't run dry.

Trans fluid is a lot cheaper than a rebuild! You can't afford even a gallon jug? I'd sell myself to the night to get money to keep from having an A4LD meltdown.

If it's low, it may not shift, A4LD likes to be at the proper level. But more importantly low fluid will allow a lot more heat to build up.

good news is it's not my primary driver so I have no problem waiting

Trashtruck, where did the line let go and - if possible - why? It sounds like something to check from time to time.

Easiest way to tell if there's any damage is to fix the line, add fluid, and go for a drive. Fingers crossed since it was a short distance that nothing got messed up!

larry, line let go at the first elbow coming out of the trans. why? mud, snow, salt, run off from the evaporator, 25 year old steel? take your pick. line was brown with surface rust but I didn't think it was that bad and I'd get another year or two out of it. obviously I was wrong.

looking on the bright side I now don't have to flush the trans at home.

looking on the bright side I now don't have to flush the trans at home.

I had a line let go last year. That was exactly what I said -- at least I don't have to do a flush / fluid change for awhile. :)

Trashtruck, thank you for the information. With two Gen1's to look after and a couple of others purchased cheap (one to restore - sort of - and the other for parts or experimenting) I'm always looking for ways to make them more reliable.
