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Transmission fluid (shift kit install)


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June 19, 2003
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1999 5.0
The dipstick says "Mercon V" (for a 4R70W). This sucks, because the cheapest I found it is $2.89/qt at Autozone. Anyhow, how many quarts do I ACTUALLY need? See, I'm not doing a flush, only installing a shift kit, so I'm assuming all of the fluid won't drain out. Do actually need to buy 13 quarts, which is the max fluid capacity?

BTW, my owners manual says Mercon in one spot and Mercon V in the other. That would be pretty confusing for someone that didn't check the dipstick.

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No. Probably about 6 or 7, but it all depends on how long you have the valve body off, as the torque convertor will start to drain off the top half with the valve body removed. I'd probably buy a dozen, and return the unused if the money is an issue. You should be using Mercon V.

WillieTD said:
The dipstick says "Mercon V" (for a 4R70W). This sucks, because the cheapest I found it is $2.89/qt at Autozone. Anyhow, how many quarts do I ACTUALLY need? See, I'm not doing a flush, only installing a shift kit, so I'm assuming all of the fluid won't drain out. Do actually need to buy 13 quarts, which is the max fluid capacity?

BTW, my owners manual says Mercon in one spot and Mercon V in the other. That would be pretty confusing for someone that didn't check the dipstick.

Thought you didn't like EF?

i used 11 when i did mine. I just dropped the valve body.

IAmTodd said:
Thought you didn't like EF?
Still haven't grown up, have you? :rolleyes:

Thanks for the LEGIT responses, guys.

Here is another option: Use Lubeguard(green) with Mercon III fluid. I just finished my 5R55E trans upgrades, and I have the Lubeguard which is made for Mercon V transmissions. It brings the quality of the Mercon III to the characteristics of Mercon V.
It can be had at trans parts stores. The final cost may be close though. I really like the Lubeguard products, so it is saving me some money. Good luck,
