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Transmission service in '04 Explorer

Joe DeVola

Active Member
December 12, 2008
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2004 XLT
Should it cost $167.00? I told my wife to take her Explorer up to where she gets the oil changed to get transmission service and she came back with a $167 bill for simple service. Is there something intensive about simple transmission service on an '04 automatic?

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Sounds about right. Depending on the mileage, you may want to do major service (30K, 60K, 90K) which may include the tranny flush.

Depend, If she took a complete flush to her X´s tranny so it was a normal-high price at States. If she took only drain and refill pan to her X´s tranny so it was a robbery.

The service bill should include the total quarts replaced. Mercon V is not cheap and it takes a lot if you get a full flush (around 12-14 quarts), so check that out.

The service bill should include the total quarts replaced. Mercon V is not cheap and it takes a lot if you get a full flush (around 12-14 quarts), so check that out.

Yes the bill quoted "12 qts of synthetic Trans fluid". Thanks for the help.

Sounds about right. Depending on the mileage, you may want to do major service (30K, 60K, 90K) which may include the tranny flush.

I think we got the full flush. She has 85k on the vehicle.

Depend, If she took a complete flush to her X´s tranny so it was a normal-high price at States. If she took only drain and refill pan to her X´s tranny so it was a robbery.

I'm thinking it was a full flush. The bill mentioned "12 qts"

Thanks for the reply.

Pan drop and filter from a good shop $160.00 in washington state.
Found rates as low as 100.00 just depends on where ya go. But they guy for 100 says everythings bad
