Transmission Solenoid Tests | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission Solenoid Tests

Post number 4 has been selected as best answered.

September 29, 2020
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05 Sport Trac
Hey guys, I got a problem with my 5R55E transmission where it won’t go into overdrive and the OD light starts flashing once I get to about 50 mph. Me and my dad installed those modified servo pistons with the O rings hoping that’d fix it. It didn’t. I got it hooked up to the computer and it’s giving me a P0741 code involving the TCC. First guess would be the solenoid, but I was hoping there would be a way to test it before going through the trouble of taking the pan off. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

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Hey guys, I got a problem with my 5R55E transmission where it won’t go into overdrive and the OD light starts flashing once I get to about 50 mph. Me and my dad installed those modified servo pistons with the O rings hoping that’d fix it. It didn’t. I got it hooked up to the computer and it’s giving me a P0741 code involving the TCC. First guess would be the solenoid, but I was hoping there would be a way to test it before going through the trouble of taking the pan off. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

You thought it wasn't going in to Overdrive, but likely it actually was........the last "shift" seen on the tachometer is the TCC locking up. 5th. gear happens first, TCC last, around 50 mph with minimal throttle demand.

The TCC solenoid (or any of them) can be tested for electrical continuity or short to ground or open circuit at the connector o the side of the transmission case. You need the wiring color codes to do this meaningfully. Also, if electrical characteristics seem OK (including coil resistance), a jammed or stuck solenoid may be singled out by energizing them one by one: they can be heard to click if the solenoid plunger is moving freely.

You thought it wasn't going in to Overdrive, but likely it actually was........the last "shift" seen on the tachometer is the TCC locking up. 5th. gear happens first, TCC last, around 50 mph with minimal throttle demand.

The TCC solenoid (or any of them) can be tested for electrical continuity or short to ground or open circuit at the connector o the side of the transmission case. You need the wiring color codes to do this meaningfully. Also, if electrical characteristics seem OK (including coil resistance), a jammed or stuck solenoid may be singled out by energizing them one by one: they can be heard to click if the solenoid plunger is moving freely.

Thanks! Do you know where I can find a circuit diagram for the solenoids?

Thanks! Do you know where I can find a circuit diagram for the solenoids?
I can post that for you, but will not get to it until later today.

EDIT: Found sooner than expected:


BUT, this diagram is for 5R55S not "E" transmission; there may be some differences, unfortunately. Suggest getting the ATSG booklet on 5R55E. That manual is listed here:


I can post that for you, but will not get to it until later today.

EDIT: Found sooner than expected:

View attachment 321829

BUT, this diagram is for 5R55S not "E" transmission; there may be some differences, unfortunately. Suggest getting the ATSG booklet on 5R55E. That manual is listed here:

Hey thanks man, you’ve been a huge help! Been trying to find this information online for a while now. Thanks bunches!
