Tune up question from newb!, | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tune up question from newb!,


New Member
October 15, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 4.0L Explorer XLT
I am a newbie here and have been browsing thru the threads and couldn't seem to get any answers. I have a 2003 X 4.0L and from what I gathered, I have a misfire. I was wondering if I need to replace the wires, plugs, and coil all at the same time? Could I just change the wires? Maybe just the plugs? Maybe plugs and wires? Also should I change the fuel filter while I'm at it? Don't really know where to go from here. I am not a mechanic but know how to do things by trial and error. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I would do plugs, wires, and fuel filter if you don't know the last time they were changed.

It has over 109,000 miles and still has the OG stock wires. Didn't check the plugs yet. I did have a check engine light on for a while but it turned off one day and hasn't come back on. I know it still works cuz when I turn the car on it lights up so maybe the problem fixed itself??? Will the scan show me the code for when the light was on? Thanks for all your replies and help guys!

Unless fixed, trouble codes should be stored in memory whether you have a CEL or not. Yes, scan and post the number(s) here.

Pull the codes. It will tell you exactly which cylinder has the miss fire. Start from there. Have a look at the plug its self, it can tell you a lot about what is going on. It is could be what you stated above, or it could be many other things, from an injector to god knows what.
