U Haul Trailer Rental Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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U Haul Trailer Rental Issue


September 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Oak Ridge, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Sport Trac V8
I went to rent a car hauler trailer last week and when I told them what my tow vehicle was, (2007 Sport Trac V8 with factory tow package), they wouldn't rent to me. Seems there was a roll over problem with explorers in the 90's. I finally found one that kind of looked the other way, and didn't want to help with the hook up. Has anyone else run into this?

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Yep, well documented.

Uhaul is Stupid™.

Totally stupid corporate rule. Especially considering you have a 2nd Gen Sport Trac.

And then you see them renting to Jeep Wrangler owners or even better you see pictures like this and just shake your head...

Just tell them it's a 4 door F-150, most of them won't know the difference.
What's hilarious is that if you roll up in a Mercury Mountaineer they'll hook you right up.

U-Haul. What a steaming pile of Chrysler. ;)

They wouldn't rent me a trailer to pull behind the '01 ST, but WOULD rent me a trailer to pull behind a '98 Escort ZX2. Tell them to eff-off and take your money to a different business.

Is this strictly a USA thing or do they do this in Canada too? I am curious to know. Pretty foolish if you ask me.

Same thing up here. They would probably turn you away with a Dora the Explorer sticker on your ride.
