Uh oh, mystery shrapnel in the transmission pan! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uh oh, mystery shrapnel in the transmission pan!


Active Member
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Newton, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Aerostar


So, about a month ago, I posted about the van not wanting to upshift. I picked up everything for a filter change, plus a mini torque wrench for possible band adjustment. Well, after working two saturdays in a row, I finally managed to gather enough energy to check things out. And these two chunks were in the pan! :eek: If I had to guess, maybe band ends? But yet, it still works, as long as I let up on the gas to allow it to upshift. Still no problems downshifting on it's own. Any thoughts, other than i need to start looking for another vehicle?

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as soon as i seen those next thing i would have done , is open Craigslist,,

sorry, but the trans rebuild is going to be more than the van is probably worth,,
unless you find a running driving unit on Craigslist or Ebay and swap it out,,

You might not have to give up so fast. If this broke in the front (overdrive section), then you could remove the transmission, bellhousing, and then replace the band without tearing apart the entire transmission.

I guess it must have been the drive band, because first, second, and overdrive definitely still work!
