Uh oh pinging/rattleing/knocking | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uh oh pinging/rattleing/knocking

Originally posted by arnoldv

You said "spray in the Power Foam with the engine idling high(1200-1500rpm)," how long do you do this before letting it sit for 30 minutes?
Your supposed to use the entire can of powerfoam I believe...

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Originally posted by 95XLT

Your supposed to use the entire can of powerfoam I believe...

Oh, ok thanks.

How often do you do this? And the PI?

I would do the powerfoam every 50,000 maybe..I dunno..maybe more often.

where can i get powerfoam, how much is it, and is it safe. does it harm my 02 sensors and cats?

There was a thread in group buy forum for whosale prices on Amsoil..if you want to convert your truck to amsoil you could get the stuff for less.

I have solved my pinging problem simply by removing the throttle plate assy and spraying gum out into the plenum , cleaning out all the gunk.. Then after a can of that reassy the throttle housing and start it up to clean it all out.. ping is gone

Pinging probably MAF

Those of you with pinging:

First check the Mass Air Flow Sensor, Nay, I say clean it. No matter if it looks clean. This is located right after the airbox in the alluminum housing. Get some sensor safe throttle body cleaner and a q-tip. Clean the filament inside the alluminum housing. you can remove the entire sensor, but you need a saftey torx to do so

It is very important that you do not use ordinary carb cleaner. Denatured alchohol will also work. Gunk makes some "Throttle Body Cleaner" Use only this on any fuel injected car. Regular carb cleaner will remove the coating they put on the throttle plates to keep them from gumming up.

The MAF sensor gets dirty quite quickly, I have to clean mine every 30k or so

Second, Check your spark plugs for fouling, like Bill said. then it is the manifold gasket.

Third, Check for any vacumm leaks. Check the vacumm tree on the back left side of the manifold. look for a missing or degraded cap. Check the vacumm lines to the cruise control, check all the circuits. The best way to check this is to pinch off each vacuum line with a needlenose vise-grip pliers while paying close attention to the rpms. (If you have a multi meter, or scan tool this is much easier) If when you pinch of a vacumm line going to something and the rpm drops. There is a leak in the line, or a defective componenet at the end of the line. the only item that should cause a drop in rpm is your PCV valve line. ( you should check that too though it is not likely to be the problem here, if you shake it and it rattles, its still good. No rattle...No good)
The drop in RPM may only be very slight, but it will be noticable, if you have a vacumm leak large enough to throw of the EEC

This EEC system uses the amount of air (measured by the MAF) going into the system to do a part of the calculating for timing. Therefore, the MAF, and vacumm leak possibility

So, because of this any one of these conditions will indicate to the computer that less air is going into the engine, so it thinks it can advance the timing farther than it actually should. And these older models don't have a knock sensor to confirm if the timing is right or not.

You would not believe how many ford dealer sell new MAFs just simply because they are dirty!

Other than that it is probably carbo build up in the cylinders. So the Foam stuff might be worth a shot

WHat is the difference between the MAF and the MAS? Are we misusing words here? I've got occasional spark knock, and i've cleaned everything, including the iac, and a full tune up using motocraft plugs. My fuel usage isn't as great as it used to be either. I even used the sea foam. Any other ideas?(I also am experincing some sulfur smell when i bury the throttle while towing).

My '91 did the same.

I had the same problem with my '91. I tried cleaning the MAF and all the other normal things and got nowhere. I ran a can of Seafoam through a vacuum line into the motor and it does not ping at all anymore.
Also dumped a can into half a tank of gas and it idels much better now.

I cleaned my MAF wires this weekend, using the Q-Tip and throttle-body cleaner technique. A $4 Torx-20 security screwdriver bit was the only tool needed.

Immediately the acceleration knock/ping I was hearing on the highway disappeared. I'd like to think the throttle response also improved (pushrod V6).

I switched to 89 octane from 93, and still no knock.

What an effective, easy, cheap fix!

Is the chain tensioner issue a recall? I have a 2001 sport with some similar noise. Also does anyone have a problem on cold start ups with a slight low end knock till it gets warm?

It's not a recall. The warranty on the affected parts was extended. Take the truck to Ford and if they verify that your's falls in the build period and that the noise is related to the tensioners or cassettes, then they should do the work for free. Don't be afraid to throw 00M12 and 01M01 at them. Some dealers feign ignorance.

Do you happen to know about what years were affected?

'97 to 2001, with 2001's being dependant on the build date of the engine - the cutoff was some time in 2000.
