UNDER COATING PAINT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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So finnaly i decide that i need to do some serious rust removal and repainting under the truck.

I was considering just buyin some tremclad yellow, silver, and black spray paints but how long will they last. The roof racks have been repainted last september with tremclad paint, and the paints just fine.

But will tremclad cut it?

I'll have to get some pics of the progress with sanding so far.

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Never heard of that kind of paint...

Probably spelt it wrong

il check


so it must be a Canadian thing hehe

Must be because I've never heard of such a thing....anyway I would use some sort of rubberized undercoating, similar to the type used to spray truck bed liners. You can get Duplicolor rubberized undercoating for a reasonable price, or you can Herc it if you want to spend a little more. If you want to go all out, get this stuff called POR 15, which is some awesome stuff.

Thanks, i'll have to shop around, i was thinking of using this tremclad paint, but its not rubberized or anything, so i think il get some of the paints your talking about.

Go with something that is ment for undercoating. That will really help out with the rust protection. Ruberized type stuff will help to inhibit further rusting. You can find it in spray cans.

i'm actually about to do the same to the underbody of mine...i got a few cans of Snap rubberized undercoating at the local auto parts store.

i experimented first with my reese hitch which was starting to rust, so i sanded down those spots and as much of the rest of it as i could and so far i've had no problems, its tougher than regular paint. i'm planning on doing as much of the underbody as i can, and the wheelwells. the finished product looks really sharp, as i've seen on some of my friends vehicles.
