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Under view of 2020 Explorer ST


October 11, 2019
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2020, Explorer, ST
I have been chasing, with my dealer, a “flapping” sound, from the front of my truck. I was able to barrow a lift from a friend, and took some pictures that I think you would be interested in. I did find the noise, two missing bolts, and two loose bolts!

1. Not a site I like to see, up in the air

2. One of the missing fastener’s

3. Looking forward. The transmission bottom cover is a polymer material. You will see a white sticker that references “3.0”, more on that next

4. White Sticker, is an assembly line bar code. “U625” is the code for the 2020 Explorer. I searched the other numbers with no luck. My only conclusion in “rack” refers to steering rack

5. This is the rear differential where the drive shaft enters. The seal looks like it was dry started, or signs of early deterioration? I scraped off some of the seal on the housing. This will be a topic of conversation with service.

6. This is a picture from the rear to the front. One thing I didn’t capture, on the passenger exhaust there is a spring loaded restrictor valve inside the pipe. Not sure the purpose, maybe for the turbo?

If you have any questions let me know



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I believe the spring is for the active exhaust on the ST.

The spring-loaded restrictor valve you discovered on the exhaust system is called an Adaptive Valve. Apparently its purpose is to smooth-out exhaust pulses in order to reduce noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH).

2020 Explorer Adaptive Valve.jpg

You mentioned 2 missing bolts and two loose bolts but only illustrated the missing fastener. Did you capture photos of the missing and loos bolts?

The spring-loaded restrictor valve you discovered on the exhaust system is called an Adapter Valve. Apparently its purpose is to smooth-out exhaust pulses in order to reduce noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH).

View attachment 318517
The video link below shows how the Adaptive Valve functions inside the exhaust pipe.


The spring-loaded restrictor valve you discovered on the exhaust system is called an Adapter Valve. Apparently its purpose is to smooth-out exhaust pulses in order to reduce noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH).

View attachment 318517

Actually, "Adaptive" valve. States it exactly right on the pipe.

The video link below shows how the Adaptive Valve functions inside the exhaust pipe.

I've stated several times that the most economical way to change the sound on this very quiet vehicle is to just remove the resonator, rather than buying an expensive system that gives it that "import" sound. They did, however, miss out by not having a custom "X" made to even out the pulses and wipe out drone. Adding two straight pipes is not ideal, but you can definitely tell the difference in sound. It's more like the nice rumble that the previous generation Sport versions had.

Adaptive is what I meant.

Actually, "Adaptive" valve. States it exactly right on the pipe.

You are correct, jrgoffin. It is called an Adaptive Valve. I have corrected Post #3 above. Thanks for bring this to my attention.
