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Unhappy with Bosch +4

i can vouch that in my truck came bosch +2's...garbage!!!!!

replaced with autolite double plats.

and in my focus which is anything but a eco friendly 4 cylinder with a large egg beater bolted to the head...i only run motorcraft 1 step colder plugs....anything less and i risk BOOM!

but those double prong plugs are garbage!!!

i ran them in my focus for about 10 miles and took them back and got my money back and said they were made wrong haha.

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my ex had around 92,000 + on it before the plugs and wires got changed. so i chose taylor 8mm spiro pro wires,and went to autozone and asked about plugs.stupid me,i asked what are the expensive plugs you got? and they told me the bosh platinum irridium were $9.95 each.then there was another plug for around $7-8 a plug.i want to say denso,but im not sure.so i picked the bosh plugs.my truck was running ok when i changed the wires and plugs to begin with.so i couldn't really tell if the wires or plugs helped.but its been over 25k miles sinse i did all this and the ex still runs good.other than i get a code here and there for the great po171 and po174 which aren't related to the plugs or wires.but after seeing a lot and reading all the different plugs,i thought about using those e3 plugs.but then again, if the truck is running good with the plugs i got,i might as well leave well enough alone.

Okay, I am now a believer that the bosch plugs aren't good, at least for Explorers. 2000 explorer started running rough and when I pulled the plugs... the ceramic insulators and electrodes on two of them were just GONE!!!

Questions: (1) what other than crappy plug would cause this? and (2) where did they go? It seems to run fine now with new plugs.

thanks, ggaarryy

I thought the 4+ were great... when I first put them in... about a year (and 5000km later) I was putting in NGK iridium plugs.

Next up will be copper.. plugs seem to be easier to get to with headers :D

although i will admit, i did notice a drop in fuel economy

One word, JUNK.
