Update on the 95-97 altezza situation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Update on the 95-97 altezza situation


Explorer Addict
October 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 5.0
Ok, now that the altezzas for the first gens are for sale, I called DirectPart.com and asked for the lo down on the altezzas for 95-97s. They said that they submitted the info for the 91-94 altezzas for DOT approval THIS AFTERNOON, and they were approved just a few hours ago. They said they submitted the info for the 95-97 altezzas at the same time, so he said they should be approved at any time, but it also could take up to six months.

So, it looks promising, but there are no guarentees. Hang in there 95-97 guys.

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you mean to tell me they just now got around to submitting them? what have they been dicking around for?? I think we should get a free pair and get to kick them in the crotch for saying for the past year+ that they were "waiting on DOT approval" when they haven't even applied!!

but at any rate..

WOOHOO I'll save up some money and see what they look like :)

Same here..... Hartman do you know if there will be carbon fiber ones too??

When they come out, they will be available in chrome or carbon fiber.

And yes, I guess they have been dicking around for 4+ months.

When they come out i am gonna buy a set and take them apart immediatly and paint the inside bezel around the red circle lights body color and then place the clear cover back on and apoxy it back on i think it will look cool.

soudsn like a plan.. be sure to take some pics for us

yeah! altezzas! i know i'm gonna be one of the first ones to jump on the Altezza bandwagon! i hope all the "hardcore" offroaders don't make fun of us for trying to be too "rice" or "european." they can keep their fugly trucks.

all offroad trucks aren't fugly, some of them can look very good, besides, its all about what you like...

you may get a few comments against it.. but so long as you like it.. whats it matter?

personally I want to see these before I buy them. if I dont think they will look better than my clears behind my tailight guards I dont think I'll do the switch

yea, i was half joking 'bout the "fugly" comment. its just not my style. :D

Originally posted by DarkFox1
personally I want to see these before I buy them. if I dont think they will look better than my clears behind my tailight guards I dont think I'll do the switch
if you get the altezzas, ive got dibs on your clears...:D

hehe, well you know, one of them has a very very small chip on the inside bottom portion.. I dropped it wihle I was installing my guards.. also, they have a small area of the inside lip dremeled down so that the guards can fit over them.. these items are not bad however, not noticable at all.. I drove around w/o the taillight guards with these on for weeks, no one notices, not even like detail shops and things notice unless I point them out.

but if you still wnt them.. if I get the altezzas.. we'll work out a deal :)
