Upper and lower control arms 03 exp sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Upper and lower control arms 03 exp sport


May 10, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
03 sport
I was wondering if any tecs or guys who have done this job before could tell me if i want to replace the upper balljoint in a 03 explorer sport am i able to just press out the old one and press in a new one ( i am going to replace my balljoints with moog ones) or do i have to replace the whole control arm...and same with the bottom one...thanks!!!!

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I just did all four of mine on my '03 Sport Trac. I replace the upper control arms and the lower ball joints with Raybestos professional grade parts.

The lower ball joints can be pressed out and new ones in, the uppers need the complete control arm replaced and come with the ball joints. The passenger side UCA is a two piece design, you have to choices with this UCA

1. You can replace the complete UCA with a one piece design replacement thet comes with new bushings. (I went this route)

2. You can replace just the lower piece of the UCA if your bushings look o.k..

Most of the replacement UCA are reusable and just replace the ball joints in those UCA.

ok now on the lower ones...once i take off the snap ring am i able to press it down and out towards the ground and press the new one up and in towards the motor? please dont tell me i have to take out the half shaft to do the lowers....:( because that would really suck!

Here's the link for the lowers, no you don't have to remove the axleshaft.

I got an electric impact gun from Harbor Freight and it was a life saver, it's not hard to do them without it but it made a world of difference. I also bought the ball joint/ u-joint tool kit form there as well.


yeah thats what i was hoping i didnt have to do.....damn it....was hoping that there was a way to do it with out removing the hub asmbly....ohhh well im just going to do both the uppers and lowers when i do....truck just hit 100k the other day and they appear to be the og ford ones...gonna soak em up in p.b tomorrow and then do em next weekend hopefully.....yay...im thrilled about this one:rolleyes:....NOT!!!! sometimes having a habbit of replacing stuff early can suck!! haha....

You don't have to remove the hub bearing assemblies to do the do either lower or upper ball joints, it helps and makes it easier to do the job but you don't have to.

To remove the hub assemblies is pretty easy to do, it's only three 15mm bolts the hardest part is breaking them free then just take a hammer to seperate the hub from the spindle, easy, trust me I've done it enough.

ok so how does one do it without removing it? just wondering....b/c my hands arent huge..so i might be able to get em in there...what im wondering is how do you get the screw piece to press it out w/o having to remove it the hub?

With the truck on the ground loosen the axle shaft nut to the end of teeth, with a hammer, tap it in to push it back alittle then raise the truck up and put on jack stands.

Do the steps listed in the links above to remove the upper and or lower ball joints, when you remove the spindle nut and bolt and seperate the spindle from the ball joints just pull out away and pull the axle shaft out.

ok thanks....by chance do you happen to know the sway bar bushing size in mm? b.c moog sells 2 different ones....a 29-30 mm and a 31-32mm....


Manufacturer Number: K80081
MOOG SWAY BAR BUSHINGS, SET OF 2 -- Fits 31 mm diameter sway bars for 4WD, With 31 mm., 32 mm. Bar


Manufacturer Number: K80080
MOOG SWAY BAR BUSHINGS, SET OF 2 -- Fits 29 mm diameter sway bars (2WD?)

ok how sure are you that the 31-32 is the rite size...b.c im going to order all of the crap(upper control arms, lower b-joints, sway bar pins and the bushings) tomorrow so that way i can do it this weekend...

That's the Moog list numbers, so if you have a 4wd then you need the 31-32mm set.

ok thanks....and yes i have have a 4x4...whats the point of having a truck/suv without it!?!?!?!?
