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upper control arm tips?


August 30, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Oshawa, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer Expedition
I've searched and determined I am correct and I need to replace my upper control arms. Just from looking at the upper ball joints I can tell they need to be replaced (let alone the ride!).

When I was searching I didn't come accross any hints/tips to do this job effectively? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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yes you have to replace the upper control arm completely. get some MOOG brand ones to replace with. www.rockauto.com has good prices.. or at least did back when i got mine. its a fairly simple job but you will need an alignment after most likely. 3 bolts is all you remove and replace.

harry's writeup won't help with the uppers though. great writeup.. but it only deals with lowers.

jasonb said:
yes you have to replace the upper control arm completely. get some MOOG brand ones to replace with.

I agree, I replaced mine with MOOG parts and they are great. They even have grease zerks.

I've taken apart 7 IFS' this week. As long as you have the room to work under there and take the stress off the parts when needed (and have the right tools), it's basically nuts and bolts.

And be sure to get an alignment afterwards.

One more thing: if you have to loosen something like the ball joint or outer tierod into the spindle, hammer on the part that surrounds the pressed in part. That make sense? This will enlarge the hole that the joint is going through and make it easier to pull out.

jasonb said:
harry's writeup won't help with the uppers though. great writeup.. but it only deals with lowers.

Wow, I'm such a dork, I didn't even realize that. :confused:

Guess I'll add now, The tops are cake. I had to take some fuel/electrical/brake lines off their clips to give a little movement to the cam bolts when taking them out, but like alec said, nuts and bolts.

Thanks for the responses guys. I will give this a shot.

site of bolts

yaman said:
Thanks for the responses guys. I will give this a shot.

does anyone know the size of the upper cam bolt and nut for this exercise? it doesnt seem that i have the right size wrench and dont want to screw around buying the wrong size five times.....

Just took a look at the stock ones I have lieing around it's 13/16". If you're replacing them with another set(adjustables) then they are more than likely gonna be 3/4" for the new ones.

thanks etc. my friend has the replacement arms for me - work set to start tonight.

i've got the drivers side off and the new control arm on now. the question i have is which way are the adjuster cams & cam bolts supposed to sit? (what way are the bevels to sit?) - hope that makes sens.

these ones are marked with FA and GA? one is specifically for the front i am assuming as both are different configurations.

thanks appreciate any suggestions.

screw it. just replace the upper control arm with a beefier Camburg or Mcneil arms, replace the weak ass ball joints with 1.25inch race uniballs and mod ur spindles. thats what i did, no more weak factory upper control arm and no more weak balljoints.

clarkkent said:
screw it. just replace the upper control arm with a beefier Camburg or Mcneil arms, replace the weak ass ball joints with 1.25inch race uniballs and mod ur spindles. thats what i did, no more weak factory upper control arm and no more weak balljoints.

How much, Clark?

BTW.. didn't/doesn't LowdPypes have a lifted Mounty?? :D

well got it all done on sunday. the clunking is finally gone. i've got pics if anyone wants to check them out.

the job including dual shock tower and shocks and labor only cost me 1300 from Chad McNeil. oh yeh, thats rite lowdpypes has a lifted mounty.. argh. wait i thought it was lowered?

You guys make it sound so easy to separate the driver side upper control arm from the spindle. I bought a complete 95 4x4 driver side spindle from the wrecker with upper and lower control arm intact. I am trying to get the upper control arm off the spindle, my pickle fork is a little small to fit onto the upper ball joint stud. I kept hitting the control arm with a BFH, but it won’t give. The pinch bolt is completely out. How did you guys get it out? How did you install the new one if the fitting is so tight? Would the new control arm just slide in without any problems? I am doing this with the control arm already off the car. I can’t image how I can do this on the car.

It's probably easier on the car, because the spindle will hold down the spindle. But yeah, a couple of taps from underneath should let the balljoint free. Might have a little more trouble will all the 4x4 stuff on the way though.

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:exporange It was lifted then lowered :D
