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Video of Explorer I came across.

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glad im not the only one who thinks so


Truly fugly on so many fronts. Sorry, it's a labour of love I'm sure I think I won't eat another Reese's ever again.

Custom seats and a broken armrest. Badass.

The seats are barely custom. looks like the factory ones got taken out and had his mom stitch on some ugly orange **** with gold lacing

i could understand if they were sponsored by them but i really doubt they are

Truly a sad thing to do to an ex

lol its so hard to watch but i cant look away

"Yo check out my hard pimpin Reeses Explorer! Yeah, that's right, I'm rollin' Come back to my house. I mean,... single wide,...that I share with my Mom, but no biggie. I spent all my money on this tight Ex!"

Not that cool in the real world is it?

Some people's kids

That's a dirty south thing, right? Good..I'm staying in NJ. Although I saw one of those cars the other wife and I were laughing pretty hard..I got some dirty looks but then I just had to turn off.

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you know now that i think about it i saw a lil subaru with a HUGE ass red bull can attached to it. the cans about the size of the car. i was confused at first. i saw it in grandrapids and in lansing which are about an hour 15 minutes apart.
