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Warn manual locking hubs


Elite Explorer
January 7, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Maysville, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer XL 4x4
Well by reading through this site and replies I have recieved, I have determined that my auto hubs are gone and I need a set of Warn manual locking hubs instead. I have a few questions though:

If I will be going in and out of 4wd over a couple of days, can I leave the hubs engaged/locked and just turn the 4x4 button on and off?

As soon as you lock the hubs and hit the 4x4 button will the truck be in 4wd or will I still need to move forward to engage them?

When taking my truck out of 4wd, after I unlock the hubs and turn off the 4x4 button do I have to drive the truck in reverse to get it completely out of 4wd?

Thanks. Any other info on these hubs will be appreciated!!!!

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Originally posted by BTRs X

If I will be going in and out of 4wd over a couple of days, can I leave the hubs engaged/locked and just turn the 4x4 button on and off?


As soon as you lock the hubs and hit the 4x4 button will the truck be in 4wd?


When taking my truck out of 4wd, after I unlock the hubs and turn off the 4x4 button do I have to drive the truck in reverse to get it completely out of 4wd?


Thanks. Any other info on these hubs will be appreciated!!!!

Check into the Pro Comp hubs instead of the Warns. Cheaper and same lifetime warranty.

I got the Pro Comps for my Ranger and they are almost the same as the Warn's that I put on my X. No problems with either, the PC's were cheaper by about $30.

When switching from auto hubs to manual hubs, does all the parts some with the new manual hubs ?

i have never had a 8.8 axel set and only worked onthe older rangers (86-90). I have non-working auto hubs and would like to switch to manuals.

Originally posted by jeffdoerr
When switching from auto hubs to manual hubs, does all the parts some with the new manual hubs ?

i have never had a 8.8 axel set and only worked onthe older rangers (86-90). I have non-working auto hubs and would like to switch to manuals.

the 8.8 has nothing to do with your hubs....they have there own hubs that are always engaged.... the dana35 front is what oyu have on the front... the hubs and conversion kit are needed for instalation...

where can i find the kit and how much does it cost ? I am on a budget and would like a bandage fix for now.
