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Warning on new Superlift


Elite Explorer
July 5, 2001
City, State
Riverside, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 XLT 4x4
Warning on new 4" Superlift

Just felt I should post some info on the Superlift. Here are the problems I have found.

1. The front sway bar connects BLOW!!! Either have them made custom, or buy urethane bushings, and get ready to try to make these fit using washers, nuts, and spacers.

2. If you do a TT along with the 4" Superlift the bottom of the shock will rub on the CV boots.

3. The shocks might rub on the front bump stops, so becareful on the install. I noticed a small dent on the shock after I went wheeling. It's minor, but keep an eye out.

4. EVERYONE that has this lift installed, or plans on it, PLEASE becareful with the brakelines. I noticed a squeek that progressively got louder. Finally I crawled under the truck and started rocking it back and fourth using the nurf bar. Finally I pinpointed the squeek. I thought it was the new brakeline relocation braket that came with the kit on the passanger front side. When i looked from above I realized that it wasn't the braket, but the actual hard brakeline rubbing against the upper control arm. EEEEKKKK!!!! It had worn the line out bad. I had enough sence to push it up alittle out of the way, but when I did, fluid started leaking out. I was lucky enough to have looked at this, or a few miles later I could have been on the freeway with no brakes, because it would have just warn completely. Everyone please double check your brakelines up front and make sure it isn't binding or rubbing. I have to goto the dealer tomorrow to get a new line and attempt to put it on.:mad:

5. I will ramp the truck on Thuesday, but so far it looks like the articulation (even in the rear) sux. Might change the rear to a SOA with stock springs.

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wow... i dont have a new one... but thanks for the heads up ron.....

Buy some 3.5 inch lift springs for the rear. Thats what i have on. Isnt National out your way too? Good to see the explorer is growing. Wish i could say the same. Instead this summer i bought a new 800 custom surfboard. Theres always next year.........

Just recycling this around to make sure EVERYONE read it. :confused:

Ok, this is the last time I'm sending this around. ;)
