Water drains in body sills? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Water drains in body sills?


New Member
May 12, 2009
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Moscow, Russia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 LTD
Are there drain holes or slots in '08 Explorer side body sills? I was unable to find any. It's brand new, and the drains, if they exist, cannot be clogged. There are a few holes on the inner side of the sills, but they seem not to drain water from the bottom.

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Are there drain holes or slots in '08 Explorer side body sills? I was unable to find any. It's brand new, and the drains, if they exist, cannot be clogged. There are a few holes on the inner side of the sills, but they seem not to drain water from the bottom.
I'm trying to find mine too. I can't believe no one replied to you in 9 years. I think this is why the rocker panels rust

do you have a sunroof? there are 2 drains up top

I’ve noticed my rear doors hold water in the bottom as well. So weird

Clean out the plastic drains on the doors

I believe there are drain slots at the pinch molding under the rocker panels. But they are very difficult to locate. I'm having no luck. I think that's why these rocker panels rust out. When you open your doors does water drain out? I find the door gasket holds water in when the door is closed. I pressure wash the bottom of my doors occasionally to make sure they drain well

I believe there are drain slots at the pinch molding under the rocker panels. But they are very difficult to locate. I'm having no luck. I think that's why these rocker panels rust out. When you open your doors does water drain out? I find the door gasket holds water in when the door is closed. I pressure wash the bottom of my doors occasionally to make sure they drain well
I can’t find mine either.
