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Welded gears on front diff?

The issue I see will be the auto t-case. While turning with only the drivers wheel spinning the front shaft there is a good chance the driveshaft speeds (comparing front to back) will be miss matched and it could burn up the front output of the case (electronic clutch).

It would work if you converted to manual front hubs but by this point you could buy a front Torsen L/S for the same price. I have one in my ranger and don't notice it at all till in 4wd and I'm still running the complete live axle setup. That actuator and locking hubs are weak points, CVs are my only worry.

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Are . Torsens still available? , I'd be more comfortable with my needs to have an aggressive limited slip in the front over a locker.

Also just completed Brown wire mod and CAD disconnected mod works like.a.champ I now have 2hi,4hi,4auto,4lo,and 2lo. It's neat you can actually feel the clutch disengage with the flip of a switch.and I'm diggin the 4hi over that auto crap that works right when it wants to

Yes torsen front carriers are still available. They are $500. Do a quick Google for Torsen D35 SLA and it will pop up.

Yes torsen front carriers are still available. They are $500. Do a quick Google for Torsen D35 SLA and it will pop up.

I found it! So how do you like it? Would you do it over again over the no slip locker

I found it! So how do you like it? Would you do it over again over the no slip locker

Would do it 5x again. I know as long as I'm somewhat easy on the skinny pedal in 4lo the cv's will hold. If I ran a front and rear locker with 35s it would probably murder cv's left and right.

Well I'm sold .....I'll put that on the list lol
