Well, almost finished with fixing my truck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well, almost finished with fixing my truck


March 20, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Providence RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Navajo LX 5-spd 4WD
Here's how it looked the day I picked it up. Note the tin riveted over the
heavily rusted rocker panels, makeshift tire carrier, and the black paint
that had been neglected long enough to turn flat-black:

I got it home and did a major cleaning, took stock, and decided to fix the
rust in the rocker panels & front fenders. I also addressed the multiple
mechanical issues. Here's a before shot:

Ground down the rockers & front fenders and rust-coverted, sealed, painted,
and clearcoated everything. I got a set of OEM Explorer sideskirts from the
junkyard for $25, since the rockers were rusted away in places. Bought a set
of 2000 Explorer Limited 16" wheels w/fresh Michelins for $300, and sold the
stockers with cheapo tires for $275. Replaced all the brake lines (hard and
rubber), replaced all 4 shocks, rebuilt the driver's door hinges, full tuneup, replaced the spare tire holder
under the truck, replaced a lot of interior bits, did a LOT of
cleaning/detailing, and voila:

It's a 5-spd 4WD
w/power everything. This is the first 4WD truck I've owned...and it's fun:


Still need to replace the front left autohub (spring in it is broken), and change fluids in the trans, xfer case, and both diffs. Otherwise it's done and in daily use. So far, I like it a lot :)

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Congrats you've done a great job. I would upgrade to manual hubs

Nicely Done.

Congrats you've done a great job. I would upgrade to manual hubs

I agree, I think its almost cheaper to convert to manual than to do they auto hub again. They are much more reliable too. There was a set of manual warn hubs in the for sale section a little bit ago.

and i thought i dd alot of work to my truck....my hats off to you...:salute:

rust is a bear, congrats on getting it under control. Enjoy your truck, and remember if you're not breaking things you're not running hard enough

thanks for the compliments guys. I am sticking with the auto hubs for now. If both of them were bad, I would convert to manual....but seeing as I only need to replace one (which I can get out of the junkyard) it's cheaper to stay auto. plus I will not be doing a lot of heavy-duty wheeling, and it's no fun climbing out of the truck in the snow to engage 4WD.


Decent Job Zwoobah. Enjoy your ride. I never though I was an Explorer kind of person until I got one. Now I love it! :exp: I've always had a 4x4 Dakota. Now that I have a 4x4 Explorer, I don't know what I'd do without it. They're fun and practical. Got alot more room for stuff, then say a Jeep Wrangler, (which I really want one, really bad).. but now that I got my Ex my hunger is curbed for a while. I too have rust that I need to fix. I was going to go the same route as you, at least for now, with the plastic side skirting. I know eventually I will need to replace all the rusted panels. Here she is...

If you can find a hub in the junkyard that is good then go for it, but remember those trucks are there for a reason. Like someone posted before it is cheaper to get 2 manual hubs as opposed to 1 automatic. I had to convert over last year and while it is a pain in the ass to get out its worth the added duribility.

1 Auto Hub:$240
2 Manuals Hubs: $220

i just seen i believe the warn manual hubs for like 89 each....

that $220 was installed too
