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Wet radio...?


April 15, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Cleveland, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer Sport
Ugh...I love it when I let friends borrow my car. Anyway, I was at my buddy's house and he borrowed my Explorer to go pick up his girlfriend. He opened the sunroof and then forgot to close it (doh.) Well wouldn't you know it, it happened to rain last night. I've gotten most of the interior dried and aired out, but my radio seems to still have the same problem it did this morning (and during the winter too). It will work... the volume and that. However, it won't let me change stations and only the FM and FM Stereo indicators light up on the little LCD display. Sometimes when I turn the volume knob, the OL:2 out of VOL:2X will show up, but not the entire display. This also happened during the winters. I'm assuming this has to do with water or condensation on the wires... or something? Please tell me it will air out and work in a couple of days and that it didn't fry something. Luckily it's still the stock am/fm tape deck and not an expensive aftermarket CD player or something :( . I'd like to eventually put a CD player in if I can figure out what's up with my engine and don't have to rebuild it.

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whats wrong with your engine or whats it doing

It has almost 109k on it and it seems to shudder start sometimes. Like, I'll turn the key and it will spark and that, but it seems like the engine needs an extra giddyup to get it going occasionally. Other times it used to idle out right as I would start it if I didn't give it gas. This only happened sporadically though... maybe twice in a week, then not happen for 2 weeks.

it might be something wrong with the fuel injectors or something in that area. you can still get an aftermarket hu if you want because they are interchangeable with other cars in case you have to get a new car

I just had the injectors cleaned and I really haven't noticed it since then. Hopefully that took care of it.

good, then there's no worries about getting a new cd player, i suggest pioneer, kenwood, or alpine.
