What are the biggest problems with the 2016/2017 Explorers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What are the biggest problems with the 2016/2017 Explorers?


Well-Known Member
July 28, 2016
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Vancouver, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Sport
I heard a bunch of 2016s had problems with the throttle body's failing and causing cars to go into limp mode. Seems to be a problem only with naturally aspirating engines and not the EcoBoosts and apparently it was only in a small window of production that had the issues.

Also 2017s now have Sync 3 in most models and that fixes problems with the older tech.

Is there anything common problems I should be familiar with? Getting the 2017 Sport version.

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I heard a bunch of 2016s had problems with the throttle body's failing and causing cars to go into limp mode. Seems to be a problem only with naturally aspirating engines and not the EcoBoosts and apparently it was only in a small window of production that had the issues.

Also 2017s now have Sync 3 in most models and that fixes problems with the older tech.

Is there anything common problems I should be familiar with? Getting the 2017 Sport version.
Scanning the threads is a good way to begin to check on various issues. In short, there are a few TSB's on the 2016 which can be found in the 2011 + TSB thread; http://www.explorerforum.com/xenforo/index.php?threads/2011-explorer-tsbs.343204/
Any 2017 Sync issues will likely be listed in the thread pertaining to that year; http://www.explorerforum.com/xenforo/index.php?forums/2017-sync-3-in-vehicle-technology.187/


This is not what most might call a 'problem' per se, and it's not unique to the 2016/17 models, but something I've recently posted and learned about right here in this forum is the ridiculously low weight limit of the roof rails on this SUV. It's 50 lbs if you have a moon roof, 100 lbs w/o. It just strikes me that an SUV of this type which offers roof rails can barely accommodate the weight of most rooftop cargo boxes. We just bought this car and intended to use it for family road trips with our rooftop cargo box that we've done on far inferior vehicles (jeep Cherokee & Ford Escape) without issue. It's how we travel and I never really wanted a hitch mounted carrier or other device that would interfere with the backup camera, lift gate, and parking issues. Again, most might not consider it a problem, but I consider it a very unfortunate oversight by the designers & engineers of this vehicle.

Aside from that, we've had our nicely loaded 2017 XLT for about 3 days and love it. :)

Yeah, it also seems low, but it feels like a rollover safety issue rather than a moonroof issue. A car with a moonroof weighs more up top than one without. I don't think there is any risk to the actual moon roof. Also technically the sport has a lower center of gravity, so I think it's just a CYA issue.

I may get an exposed roof rack to carry skis. Those weigh 10 pounds or less.

I somewhat agree with Peter that scanning threads is the best way to understand the 2011 - 2017 Explorers with some variations over the years, but a lot of the basics being very similar. What I would add to "just scanning the threads" is to go the upper blue row that reads "title, start date, replies, views and last message" and click "replies" and read the first two or three pages of posts. In general, the posts with the most replies are the hottest topics in this forum and should give you a good barometer of what concerns and/or likes that owners have.

500km on my 2017 Sport and the passenger door handle pulled right out of the door. The dealer kindly ordered a new assembly and replaced. Now at 800km the Driver side keyless entry button on the handle has stopped working. Taking it to the dealer tomorrow for another warranty job. Hopefully that's it. Both very minor but very frustrating.

15,x.. miles on my 2016 sport and no issues yet. Only complaint is the moonroof rattle that is well documented on here. I'll take it to the dealer soon, but haven't had time yet.
