What brand of shock? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What brand of shock?


August 28, 2002
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City, State
Savannah Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Explorer XLT
I am in the market for new shocks for my 91 Ex. There are 240,000 miles on the origionals and I think it is time. I have heard alot of hype obout this shock or that shock. I am wondering which are the best for the money ($30-$70).

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For what purpose do you use your Explorer? Offroad, lowered, street?

if you use your vehicle on road and offroad and want a good shock for both i suggest getting bilsteins... they are very very good shocks and you will love how they feel.

The best bang for the buck are Gabriel VSTs. $15-20 per shock.

Yep...I 2nd the vote for the Gabriel VST

shocks... stable ride... very minimal sway...no diving...just a real good value. But regardless of what you get...new shocks will be a huge improvement for you.


I am going to be using it for on road, over the railroad tracks (I cross 6 on the way to work, and 6 on the way back), pulling a 2 horse trailer, and the 4-wheeling to find the best camping spot where my wife and I won't be disturbed! Nothing real extreme. I already plan on adding an overload spring to the rear.


I had been looking at the Heckethorn through JC Whizzo (Whitney) for around $33. Does anyone know anything about them?:redexp:

My vote is on the Rancho 9000 series. I have had these before and realllllly like them. The adjustability is great when you tow. Run them on about 3 for normal daily driving. When loaded for camping towing run the back ones up to 9(new model) and they are very stiff, great for carring loads. Keeps the trailer in control much better as well.

Im running Rancho RS5000s, I think I paid $150 for the set and I love them, if your looking to spend less from what I have heard the Gabriel shocks are a great value, whatever you go with it should be a big improvment.

