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What did they do...


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2004
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Lake Wallenpaupack, PA
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1998 XLT
What did they actually change in 06' as far as the suspension goes? I know Rancho only lists their Quick Lift for the 02'-05' model year. Did Ford really change it that much? The previous suspension system had only been out 3 for years. It seems that with every generation Ford is making it harder and harder to lift.

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They added independent rear suspension. You can't really life or lower the 06+ Explorer or ST because the shafts go through the frame and limit the amount of play you get.

The earlier generations do not have this issue.

They added independent rear suspension. You can't really life or lower the 06+ Explorer or ST because the shafts go through the frame and limit the amount of play you get.

The earlier generations do not have this issue.

I think you are wrong, I think they added IRS in 02' not 06'

Yes, 02'-05' have IRS, (I have one). But from what I have read the 06' on are "totally" redesigned, how are the 06-pres different from the 02-05?

I'm not wrong. IRS is only part of the problem. Look under one. There was a thread on this site and mysporttrac.com that explains why you can't lift or lower the 06-09 units. They are completely different.

Since no one seems to be answering the question, I came up with some info on my own. The 2002-2005 IRS consists of an upper and lower A-arm, the lower has a bushing and the upper has a ball joint that the knuckle is mounted to. The knuckle is held in place by a rod that goes from the center near the diff to the knuckle. This is used to adjust the toe. Here's a picture.


The 2006-Pres has a similar upper A-arm but the lower is much longer, reaching to the center of the frame. My guess is that the bolts at the end of the lower control arms are eccentric, and used to adjust toe. Here's a pic.


In other words, they are different. So I guess the Rancho Quick Lift will not work on the 06-up. Anyone want to try?

I think it's the same suspension, just different parts because the frame was changed for '06.

I think it's the same suspension, just different parts because the frame was changed for '06.
How are they the same if they are different?
