What is the cat. for?? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is the cat. for??

I agree with you that we need to protect our environment, if not for us then for our kids or our kid's kids. There are lots of arguments about where to control it blah blah, Off roaders, like us are a small minority compared to, say lawnmowers, or 2 stroke engines, motorcycles, or even antique vehicles (they don't require any cats). This thread will turn into that. Keep your cat on, buy a sportbike if you want to go fast, trucks are for crawlin and stylin.

There is no excuse for removing your catalytic converter-

you can replace them very inexpensively-if you do some searching-

I searched "" 2 1/4" high flow catalytic converter ""

there are also several 2.5" --and even 3" listed.


If you do order on line-and have one shipped,
be sure to shake the converter before you install it to check for broken honeycombs.

He might get away with an inspection, but it is a Federal offense to remove them.


Former LEO


remove them:D:thumbsup:

i was dissapointed in my flowmaster catback...all the cars ive ever owned ive removed the cats and it makes the exhaust sound wonderful :D.....then again i used to live in alaska where you can still just barely get away with it...

so the 4.0 doesnt benefit from removing the cats? or is that the OHV only?
