What should I use to paint my nerf bars black? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What should I use to paint my nerf bars black?


Well-Known Member
December 3, 2002
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City, State
victoria, bc
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer Sport 4.0 OHV
I am looking to paint my nerf bars black. They are currently black, but the paint is wearing off.

I as thinking of using black ashphalt undercoating as theis is very strong and will give it a nice look. Maybe the truck bed coating stuff.

What do you recommend I use to paint my nerf bars so they stand up to the wear and tear and they have lots of grip.

My whole truck is currently black and it has that "tuff" look to it, so I don't mind having a nice rugged looking nerf bar.

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Duplicolor spray on bedliner would work. I uses it on my safari rack and it held up good. A buddy of mine had a TRD Yota with the entire bed coated. His started to flake off after a while though.

por15, very durable, but comes with a steep pricetag

I have used that Duplicolor spray on bedliner and it didn't work ver well. Just go to the parts store and get a small can of Herculiner. It'll last a lot longer.

Line-X! I line-x'ed my nerf bars, it was about $100 but now they can take a lickin and keep on tickin! :)

i'd say budget wise you can do it for under 15 , bed liner. i did my running boards with it.. I just say do a few good coats. mine chipped off in 2 small places.
